Page 18 - English Edition 2002
P. 18

District 3461 Taiwan - Zone 9                            65 Clubs 2,926 Members
                                                                                  as of 28 Feb 2022

                                         Hsueh, Chiu-Hsiung                          Yang, Nei-Chin
                                         (Trading)                                   (Dentist)
                                         District Governor                           District Governor
                                         2021-22                                     2022-23
                                         D.3461                                      D.3461

                                         Over 3,000 Rotarians joining Rotary Day of
                                         District 3461 in Taichung Metropolitan Park

                    With the theme "Serve to Change Lives" in    3461 had conveyed the sign of anti-drug
                mind, District 3461 and Social Affairs Bureau    and presented their effort to End Polio
                of Taichung City Government co-hosted Rotary     through Rotary Day. At the beginning, those
                Day on December 11 in 2021, which Taichung       government officials including the City Mayor,
                City Government served as the adviser. On that   the deputy director of Social Affairs Bureau
                day, more than 3,000 participated in this event   from Taichung City Government, RI District
                venue "Taichung Metropolitan Park" in order      3461 governor "Trading" Chiu-Hsiung Hsueh,
                to promote Rotary's belief "Service above        and the chairman of Rotary Day handed
                myself" with the public.                         in hand with 150 Rotarians and spouses to
                    To connect social welfare and to raise       initiate the opening ceremony, filling in each
                Rotary Public Image, Rotarians of District       letter in turn to make "END POLIO NOW"

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