Page 23 - English Edition 2002
P. 23
Service project for the aboriginal students
in the rural elementary school
Led by District 3462, its Rotary Clubs
were encouraged to initiate a project that
focused on caring for aboriginal schoolchildren.
Before the project was implemented, RI
District 3462 was responsible for inviting those
accomplished aboriginal people to film their
stories of struggles into videos as teaching
materials for the use of the project.
RC Taichung Peitun's service target was
Wen Shuei Elementary School, which was a
small rural school in Tai'an Township, locating viewed a film about aboriginals' success story,
in Miaoli County. There were 55 children, and then Rotarians would teach them ways to
including 7 from the Baguali tribe which plan their future and then encouraged them to
Saisiyat aboriginal people lived in, and other try hard to realize their dream. And the Q&A
16 kids studied in the attached kindergarten. session was also given for those kids to share
Nearly 80% of the elementary school students more excellent experiences of someone's story,
belonged to Tayan. As result of lack resources which had been making all of them feel relaxed
in remote area, the school was in urgent need and enjoy themselves. With the approach of
of support by the society. the Christmas Day and it was their second
Thus, through the project, Rotarians time to teach, under the leadership of the club
of RC Taichung Peitun's visited Wen Shuei president, ATC, all the Rotarians and their
Elementary School and served as teachers to spouses dressed up as Santa Claus to hand out
share inspiring lessons to those aboriginal kids. gifts to those children. In this way, through this
The first time was taught by the spouse of the project, even those children studied in rural
past president, Major, on November 10, and school, they still could get a lot of meaningful
the second was the past president, Yama, on learning experiences and gradually create their
December 22. During the class, those children own future.