Page 25 - English Edition 2002
P. 25
Rotarians of the club and staffs of the
association who attended and witnessed this
activity all hoped to convey the important
belief "It would be better to teach someone
to fish than to give him a fish" to the society.
And all the participants expected to expand the
good influence on those project beneficiaries
and make a difference in their life.
3470 Dental Equipment Donation for Remote elementary Schools in Tainan
To upgrade the dental service quality of Dongyuan Elementary School, Gang Dong
for the remote elemental schools in Tainan, Elementary School, Chonghe Elementary
RC Shan Hua of District 3470 initiated the School, Ansi Elementary School, and Nanhua
project of dental equipment donation. The five Elementary School.
schools, listed as under-resourced areas by In those target schools, many children
Taiwan's National Health Insurance in 2020, grew up in skipped generation families, and
were the focuses in this service project, each their oral health usually had been neglected,