Page 8 - 2023年12月號
P. 8


                          What Rotary is all about

         “So this is Christmas / And what have you              Of course, our reach extends far beyond
         done?” sang John Lennon in the holiday classic    disease prevention and treatment. During times of
         “Happy Xmas (War Is Over),” released in 1971      disaster, we must act swiftly to alleviate suffering
         with Yoko Ono.                                    and offer support. In response to the devastating
             The holidays are a time of warmth and         earthquake in Morocco in September, The Rotary
         togetherness but also of reflection. Above all, the   Foundation Trustees established the Morocco
         season is a time of generosity, especially to those   Earthquake Response Fund to support immediate
         less fortunate.                                   relief efforts led by Rotary members on the ground.
             During your holiday giving, remember that     You can contribute directly, and your districts can
         gifts to The Rotary Foundation may not fit nicely in   apply for grants from the fund until 21 September
         a present box , yet they keep on giving throughout   2024 or until the funds are fully allocated. Anyone
         the year.                                         can initiate a fundraiser for the Morocco fund on
             December is also Disease Prevention and       Raise for Rotary, opening further avenues for your
         Treatment Month. Just think of all the Rotary     generosity.
         efforts that would not be possible without the         We truly have the gift of giving. There are
         generosity of you, our Rotary family. Consider the   no limits to the opportunities to give and make a
         incredible progress we have achieved in our fight   difference through Rotary.
         to end polio Ñ the countless lives we’ve saved and     As we approach the end of the year, I invite
         the hope we’ve restored. Think of all the clinics   you to make your gifts before 31 December. Your
         around the world Rotary has equipped and the      generosity will have a profound impact on many Ñ
         medical professionals trained through Foundation   people who you may never meet, but whose lives
         grants, helping fight heart disease and Guinea    you will change just the same.
         worm disease.                                          On behalf of Esther and myself, we wish you
             Your gifts to the Foundation also help make   all a joyful holiday season. Thank you for your
         health care accessible to underserved communities   continued support, dedication, and unwavering
         in a big way through Programs of Scale. Right now,   commitment to The Rotary Foundation and to what
         those grant recipients are working to end malaria   Rotary is all about: helping others.
         in Zambia, reduce the mortality rate of mothers
         and their infants in Nigeria, and eliminate cervical                                 BARRY RASSIN
         cancer in Egypt.                                                            Foundation trustee chair
         Illustration by Viktor Miller Gausa
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