Page 4 - 2023年12月號
P. 4

51    ɓϋλ౻ё඲া ̏਷ไߎҾරࣛÿ௓஁ࢇ
                PDGs Fellowship of Rotary Districts 3501/3502
                sponsors a reunion trip to Japan
          54    3523 ήਜ࣬ৰʃՅ௦ຌसฉഛࠪᆀึÿ
                District 3523 sponsors a charity concert for  71   طΙव଱ÿᄎ׹փ
                polio eradication                                  An art work of Chinese seal engraving

         ΌଢᆤпږࣩԷʱԮ                                            71   ካρʘሳÿᏖ˖㒥
         Experiences of sponsoring GG Project
                                                                   Interesting encounters in traveling around the world
          57    ̨̹̏ऎݱٟ ˕˕ ޙ๼ٙూ೤ၾ͑ᚃÿ                           72
                ںЬᆧ                                                ̬ɽढᎲ঩ÿᔝٹʠ
                                                                   Oolong tea varieties in four growing regions
                RC Taipei Great Pacific, D3522 works for
                sustainable resilience of coral reefs in Penghu  74  ʔቦᖹ̙ࠥАᏀÿ፠؇׼
                                                                   Lowering blood pressure without medicine
          88    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ
                Clubs in action                               75   ɓੵඉୃ݂ٙԫ ˕˕ يଣኪ࢕ฌΪ౶վÿ
         ɧeҧቃЪۜ                                                    Story of a stamp--about the great physicist
         SPECIAL ARTICLES                                          Albert Einstein
          60    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                      77   դਥ୿෤ʕʘࡔซÿᔊ᎑ࡌ
                Comics on Rotary: The club meetings                Meditation, poetries and a coffee farm
                emphasize on members friendship               79   ɽ࢕ᛇఃԸൺӉl਄ੰݺՑϼlÿᔊ͉׹
          61    ɦձ୿ɿሔːÿᑽ˖͞                                         Slowing aging with running
                More reflections on Zhuangzi and one’s inner parts  81  ชࢸʘːdϓఱ̌ᅃdлू଺͛ÿ؍ʪආ
          61    ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ˕˕ ҧቃٙࣨːᄆ࠽ÿරၪઽ                              How I gratefully give back to our community
                Tips from Rotary leaders--Core values         82   ˰ޢʬɽ৵זؒၾٺ̋ࡩ਷ყҧቃᐼ௅

          62    ፺ᛪʔᛪkÿᘽɓ΀                                          ˕˕  ߕλ޴༾ÿ௓ᅆν
                Is money dirty?                                    My trip to Chicago for Rotary Headquarter tour,
                                                                   Marathon major and Rotary club meeting
          63    ̨ᝄ࠰ጼٙɓࠫ๡ࣳÿҽ௹ڦ
                Rise and fall of Taiwan banana industry       85   ྼତࠪ͜ᆀߕʷɛ͛ٙҧቃ෥ྫྷࠇ೥ÿ
          65    ˴ᇜၚ፯ ˕˕
                                                                   A “Imagine Rotary” concert realizing a club
                ̨ᝄʕʃۨ࢕ૄΆุٙ၍ଣᛆෂוÿݳగಊ                                president’s dream to make life more beautiful
                Editor-in-chief’s selection--
                The crisis of management right succession of   87  Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ɤɖÿ௓׋ᅃ
                SME family businesses in Taiwan                    About some Chinese characters (part 17)
          67    ശ˖˰ޢdୋɓࡈᚐ๫ҧቃٟ ˕˕                             111   ᇜ፨ܝা
                ̨̏ᚐ๫ҧቃٟÿ௓֛௷                                        Editor’s note
                RC Taipei Passport is chartered as the first Rotary
                club of its kind in Chinese-speaking community
                                                               7   Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
          69    ඝ୨˜ٟ।ᑌሒ™ÿᇹ˖Ꮂ                                       Rotary numbers
                Fellowship activities of the club presidents and   23
                secretaries in my district                         ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
                                                                   Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
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