Page 8 - 2025年3月號
P. 8


                                     A glass half full

         After joining Rotary, you never look at a glass of   menstruation, building self-esteem, and purchasing
         water the same way again.                       reusable menstrual products.
             Holding it, you are humbled by the privilege    Our partnership with USAID in Uganda has
         of access to drinkable water. Then, you recall how   shown how small-scale piped water systems can
         Rotary brings communities and water experts     deliver cost-effective, sustainable solutions. By
         together to deliver safe drinking water to places in   investing in local governance and technical capacity,
         need of it, transforming lives.                 this initiative ensures long-term access to clean
             According to the United Nations, 2 billion   water for entire regions.
         people lack access to safely managed drinking water,   Rotary’s Programs of Scale also demonstrate
         and 3.6 billion lack safely managed sanitation.   the power of interdisciplinary strategies. In India’s
         During March, we focus on our commitment to     water-scarce regions, Rotary promotes solutions
         addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges   such as rainwater harvesting and groundwater
         through our clubs and The Rotary Foundation.    recharge, integrating water management with
             District and global grants, made possible by   agricultural productivity to enhance sustainability
         the Foundation, provide a direct way for members   and resilience.
         to engage in water and sanitation projects. My wife,   Moving forward, we will continue improving
         Gay, and I have seen the transformative power of   how we deliver water and boost sanitation, focusing
         these grants. Our clubs, the Rotary Clubs of Decatur   on regional planning, strengthening delivery
         and Decatur Daybreak, Alabama, partnered with   systems, and fostering partnerships.
         the Rotary Club of Ecatepec, Mexico, to sanitize    Be proud to be part of this meaningful work {
         cisterns and tanks for about 300 schools.       and please consider supporting it.
                                                             When you give to The Rotary Foundation, you
             We are also launching a new global grant
        PHOTOGRAPH: CARY NORTON  Indigenous families in the Sierra Madre Mountains   Foundation trustee chair
                                                         not only help us reach our 2024-25 fundraising goal
         to provide rainwater collection systems for 50
                                                         of $500 million, you also play a role in ensuring
                                                         Rotary can make clean water, effective sanitation,
         of Chihuahua, in partnership with five organizations.
                                                         and hygiene accessible for generations.
             Globally, Rotary employs comprehensive
         approaches to these initiatives. In Mexico, the
                                                         MARK DANIEL MALONEY
         global grant-funded program Niñas Sabias, or Wise
         Girls, empowers girls by providing education on

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