Page 4 - 2025年3月號
P. 4
50 ᗭҙٙΫኳ 67 ࠠᚃ̨ᒵҧቃઋሒ ˕˕
ዄҧቃਿږึڭ၍։ࡰึ˴ࢩ 3522 ήਜၾᒵဧ 3650 ήਜ
ૠඤ̵ᙨٙतпÿᑽ؇ඤ ᖦࠈ֎֊ήਜΥߒÿ؍ശ
An unforgettable memory Rotary members from D3522, Taiwan visit
of serving as Aides to TRF Chair Mark Maloney D3650 in Seoul, Korea for a sister-district
and lady Gay during their trip in Taiwan signing ceremony
52 ̨ᝄҧቃ˜̊ਖ਼ஞ 71 ҢၾҧቃΌଢᆤпږ˴ᕚᅄ˖೯ڌɪණ
ҧቃਿږึڭ၍։ࡰึ˴ࢩ৵дhૠඤ̵ Feature articles on My Experiences with
A chat between TRF Trustee Chair Mark Maloney Rotary’s Global Grant projects
and Taiwan Rotary Monthly
58 ̨˚ყҧቃፋഛึ 2025 อϋึÿΣᇗ SPECIAL ARTICLES
Taiwan-Japan Rotary Goodwill Association
hosts the 2025 New Year Party 89 Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ
60 ҧቃၾҧڡᙳ˓ΥЪ Comics on Rotary:
To be well-known
3482 ήਜ RYLA ͂ிჯஙቾɢೌࠢซ྅ÿ
؍ྗ҃ 90 ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ˕˕ ٟਜਕᑊÿරၪઽ
Rotarians and Rotaractors in D3482 together Tips from Rotary leaders:
organize a RYLA camp developing leadership Statement on community service
of irresistible magic
63 3502 ήਜܰึ৵ԸГԭ 3300 ήਜ
ᇕഐყ֒֊ٟÿ 92 шฌшٟ
Rotarians from D3502 visits the RC Temerloh, To club with love
D3300 in Malaysia for a New Year charity 111
fundraising and sister-club agreement ᇜ፨ܝা
Editor’s note
signing program
65 ̨ᝄ 3502 ήਜၾᒵ 3590 ήਜ
RYLA ̆֙ᐄʹݴːÿ 7 Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
Participants from D3502, Taiwan enjoy wonderful Rotary numbers
exchange in a RYLA winter camp with skiing 64 ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
program sponsored by D3590 in Korea Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan