Page 6 - 2025年3月號
P. 6
One small act
arch is here, and for Rotary Interna- Partnerships remind us that Rotary’s impact is
tional, that means celebrating Water, amplified when we work together. Through our stra-
Sanitation, and Hygiene Month — a tegic alliance with the United Nations Environment
time to shine a spotlight on one of the
M Programme, we’re advancing the Community Action
most transformative areas of our work. for Fresh Water initiative. This program equips Ro-
This month is an opportunity to reflect on The Magic tary members with the tools and resources to protect,
of Rotary and the profound impact we create when we restore, and sustain freshwater ecosystems.
come together with determination and purpose. When we make use of Rotary grants and advocate
Years ago, I experienced this magic firsthand in for clean water in our communities, we create a ripple
the Dominican Republic. When a group of members effect that extends far beyond individual projects.
helped people install water filters, three children As we embrace the spirit of the month, I encourage
watched with amazement as dirty water entered one every Rotary member to seek out new partnerships.
end of a filter and clean water emerged from the other. Collaboration multiplies our efforts and helps us
When we paused the demonstration, one child tugged reach more people in need.
at my sleeve and pleaded, “Show me the magic again.” Whether it’s joining forces with local organiza-
To them, it felt magical. It was also the result of tions, forming alliances with international agencies,
countless hours of effort — planning, transporting, or mobilizing your community, every step we take
and installing the filters — alongside local partners together brings us closer to a world where everyone
who were dedicated to making clean water acces- has access to clean water and safe sanitation.
sible. In that moment, I realized that what seemed The Magic of Rotary shines brightest when we
like a small act could change residents’ lives. That is work in harmony with others to create lasting good.
The Magic of Rotary. Together, we can turn dreams into realities that
PHOTOGRAPH: LUCY HEWETT ects exemplify our reach, our partnerships, and our of our collective commitment and compassion. Let’s
This story is a testament to the incredible potential
transform lives and communities. The result may feel
of our global family to create change. Water proj-
like magic at times, but we know it’s from the power
harness this magic to make a difference this month
unwavering commitment to improving lives. Consider
Rotary’s work with USAID. That partnership has en-
and beyond.
abled us to work with communities and governments
to improve access to sustainable water and sanitation
services for thousands of people in the Dominican
4 Republic, Ghana, the Philippines, and Uganda. President, Rotary International