Page 4 - 2024年9月號
P. 4

53    3461 ήਜ˜໔ሸࠬ˦ቃપᄿ DEId˓ੂ˦
                φ࿻࣬ৰ POLIO™ग़ᕣ؇ᔮ᚛৵༸ІБԓ
                Rotary D3461 hosts a cycling event at Dongfeng
                Bicycle Green Way to promote PEN and DEI
          56    ਷ყҧቃ 3502 ήਜ 2024 ਷ყ˖ʷߕ࠮ᐄ                     78   ʷމɓᐸ૶ࠬdቱΈʔഒٙੵ๿ಝۃᐼ္
                26 З̮ᘬʿ̨ᝄڡϋίࣹ෤ҁϓᔮబ᜗᜕                               ÿ۴ڲ၅
                ÿ௓ઽᅆ                                               PDG Plastics Chang passes away with a legend
                26 international and local RYE students get        of lighting up Rotary
                special experiences from a Cultural Culinary   81  ࠽ۘൗ̅൬™ٙϋึÿ୿ૺඨ
                Camp of Rotary D3502 in Taoyuan
                                                                   Making your registration to RI convention worthwhile
          58    3502 ήਜग़փྠඟʿࣛڠહӨ෥တϓ̌l                         86   БϞቱɢۆ˸Бഛ ጐഛʘ࢕̀Ϟቱᅅ
                ÿᄎܔ҃                                               ฌίҧቃٙ 3502 ήਜᐼ္ DG Rehouse
                A team of the Magic of Rotary in D3502 timely
                supports the families suffered by Typhoon Gaemi
                                                                   DG Rehouse of D3502 loves his family and Rotary
          97    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ                                        88   ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ķķ ҧቃဂਨٙ͟Ըÿරၪઽ
                Clubs in action
                                                                   Tips from Rotary leaders--Rotary singing tradition
         ɧeҧቃЪۜ                                               88   Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ˍʬÿ௓׋ᅃ

         SPECIAL ARTICLES                                          About some Chinese characters (part26)
                                                              89   Ңٙி୵ྫྷÿ؍ʪආ
          60    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ
                Comics on Rotary: unites together with faith       My shipbuilding dream
                                                              90   ᖵஔ࢕ ༺h˖Гÿɕ˂ࠥ
          61    Ыٝ༸Շ֣ෳ༶ږ೐੻˴ˮᄁ᜝
                                                                   Story of a stamp  the genius artist Leonardo da Vinci
                Tokyo & Paris Olympic gold winner Jacky       92   ɛϼқ͊ϼ  ၅ඤ৛ᘙΈÿ௓݁ඪ
                Chi-Lin Wang is a Rotarian                         Never too old to enjoy taking beautiful pictures of
                                                                   early morning in Fulung
          64    Ⴣʆխఎjਖ਼ஞ̨ᝄҧቃΌଢᆤпږ
                աᆤኪ͛؍ɿඓ                                       95   ҢவࡈӲɛٙɓ͛ÿ፠؇׼
                ᅠ˖jӁ֗ޛ                                             Shintaro Ishihara: The Life of a Man “Watashi”
                Calls over Ridges: a story of young and life-  111  ᇜ፨ܝা
                changing Rotary scholar Rikash Lin sponsored       Editor’s note
                by a Global Grant from D3522 Taiwan

          74    ૵ሔ˜͡ሗΌଢᆤпږٙᆤኪږ™ÿ๝ૺᅆ
                About application for a Rotary scholarship of
                Global Grant                                   7   Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                                                                   Rotary numbers
                                                              77   ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
                                                                   Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9