Page 4 - 2024年9月號
P. 4
53 3461 ήਜ໔ሸࠬ˦ቃપᄿ DEId˓ੂ˦
φ࣬ৰ POLIOग़ᕣ؇ᔮ᚛৵༸ІБԓ
Rotary D3461 hosts a cycling event at Dongfeng
Bicycle Green Way to promote PEN and DEI
56 ყҧቃ 3502 ήਜ 2024 ყ˖ʷߕᐄ 78 ʷމɓᐸࠬdቱΈʔഒٙੵಝۃᐼ္
26 З̮ᘬʿ̨ᝄڡϋίࣹҁϓᔮబ᜕ ÿ۴ڲ၅
ÿઽᅆ PDG Plastics Chang passes away with a legend
26 international and local RYE students get of lighting up Rotary
special experiences from a Cultural Culinary 81 ࠽Ϋൗ̅൬ٙϋึÿૺඨ
Camp of Rotary D3502 in Taoyuan
Making your registration to RI convention worthwhile
58 3502 ήਜग़փྠඟʿࣛڠહӨတϓ̌l 86 БϞቱɢۆ˸Бഛ ጐഛʘ̀Ϟቱᅅ
ÿᄎܔ҃ ฌίҧቃٙ 3502 ήਜᐼ္ DG Rehouse
A team of the Magic of Rotary in D3502 timely
supports the families suffered by Typhoon Gaemi
DG Rehouse of D3502 loves his family and Rotary
97 ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ 88 ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ķķ ҧቃဂਨٙ͟Ըÿරၪઽ
Clubs in action
Tips from Rotary leaders--Rotary singing tradition
ɧeҧቃЪۜ 88 Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪˍʬÿᅃ
SPECIAL ARTICLES About some Chinese characters (part26)
89 Ңٙி୵ྫྷÿ؍ʪආ
60 Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ
Comics on Rotary: unites together with faith My shipbuilding dream
90 ᖵஔ ༺h˖Гÿɕ˂ࠥ
61 Ыٝ༸Շ֣ෳ༶ږ˴ˮᄁ
Story of a stamp the genius artist Leonardo da Vinci
Tokyo & Paris Olympic gold winner Jacky 92 ɛϼқ͊ϼ ၅ඤᘙΈÿ݁ඪ
Chi-Lin Wang is a Rotarian Never too old to enjoy taking beautiful pictures of
early morning in Fulung
64 Ⴣʆխఎjਖ਼ஞ̨ᝄҧቃΌଢᆤпږ
աᆤኪ͛؍ɿඓ 95 ҢவࡈӲɛٙɓ͛ÿ፠؇
ᅠ˖jӁ֗ޛ Shintaro Ishihara: The Life of a Man “Watashi”
Calls over Ridges: a story of young and life- 111 ᇜ፨ܝা
changing Rotary scholar Rikash Lin sponsored Editor’s note
by a Global Grant from D3522 Taiwan
74 ሔ͡ሗΌଢᆤпږٙᆤኪږÿૺᅆ
About application for a Rotary scholarship of
Global Grant 7 Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
Rotary numbers
77 ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan