Page 4 - 2023年9月號
P. 4

49    ක௴͊Ըٙჯঘ٫j਷ყҧቃ 3490 ήਜ
                District 3490 sponsors camps and navigators seminar
                of Interact to develop outstanding future leaders

          53    21-22 ዹɓೌɚ  ᐼ္ΝኪࡁږژБÿ
                ᑡ߇ඪ                                           74    ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ˕˕ ̬ɽϽ᜕ÿරၪઽ
                2021-22 District Governors enjoy a trip to Kingmen
                                                                   Tips from Rotary leaders--the Four-way test
          58    ҧቃჯኬኪ৫̨ᝄʱ௅                                    75    ɓੵඉୃ݂ٙԫ ˕˕
                ᘪ፬ୋ 76 ಂኪࡰ৅ᇖึː੻జѓÿᘨኮ֚                               စᖵɛՙй؍ٙ౽ᅆÿɕ˂ࠥ
                RLI Taiwan Division sponsors its 76th              Story of a stamp--Charlie Chaplin and
                student course
                                                                   the anecdotes show his wisdom
         Experiences of sponsoring GG Project                 76    Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ɤ̬ÿ௓׋ᅃ
                                                                   About some Chinese characters (part 14)
          59    ࿎ʷʕਜٟ ˕˕ ౤Զइ਷ 3360 ήਜߕᒄ
                (Mae Sai) ᔼ৫ߞ໑ᗝᏨݟண௪ÿරߕࡐ                       77    ႧԊٙڭԒୌÿ፠؇׼
                RC Changhwa Central, D3462:                        Words for building a bright and self-assured life
                co-sponsors a gastroscopy & colonoscopy       78    ೯࢝਷ԣʈุڭ̨ᝄÿ؍ʪආ
                project at Mae Sai Hospital with D3360, Thailand   Supporting our defense industrial development
          63    ҧቃ͜Ⴇၾ൚คߵʕ࿁๫ڌอᄣ൚ค                              79    ၽᝄ؇˙ૣjɓࡈ஗ᘌׁࠠൖٙପุÿ
                English / Chinese Glossary for Rotary Terms--       ݄݇࿎
                terms added in 2023-7-31 version                    Taiwan oriental pears: a grossly neglected industry
          92    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ                                        83    Гफ˫ಃ໋ʘ༩ Camino Francés
                Clubs in action                                     Ңࡁ 38 ˂ٙಃ໋ʘࣚÿ؍౨๸
                                                                   Our 38-day Camino Francés
                                                              88    Φίอ̋սÿᑽਃ਷
                                                                   A must-eat in Singapore: Adam Rd Noo Cheng
          64    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                           Big Prawn Noodle
                Comics on Rotary: President--The Servant
                                                              89    ˇϋ Baker˜ॱઋٙڡ݆ྫྷ™ÿቍ͑ᔮ
          65    ༷ࣚাሳ ˕˕ ͺԌٙႀᘐÿۼ઼͠                                   An unforgettable encounter of PP Baker in his youth
                Travel Notes: Izu-No-Odoriko
                                                              90    ካρʘሳ ˕˕ ɺ ऎࢠÿᏖ˖㒥
          66    ٤ሜ޶ɛ͛ÿᘽɓ΀                                          Dofuchi strait, Japan is the narrowest in the world
                What an air-conditioner can teach you about life
                                                              91    ׼݋դਥ᎜ٙᖯ҂ಷÿࢱᎲᙜ
          67    ዹӉΌଢ̨ٙᝄᅶ໘ÿҽ௹ڦ                                      Borshch of Cafe Astoria in Taipei
                Taiwan once dominated natural Camphor market
                                                             111    ᇜ፨ܝা
          69    My Rotary ɤ඄ϋΫᚥၾ࢝ૐÿ௓֛௷                             Editor’s note
                A review and outlook on My Rotary on its
                10th anniversary
          71    ַᇠসϼ੽͛ݺਂৎÿˮთబ                                  7    Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                Anti-aging efforts start from a healthy lifestyle  Rotary numbers
          73    ఓᕷɓᘢఱۗ੻̒ϥdܣჿ፬ճÿ௓ၪ߻                            11    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
                How to deal with itchy throat and cough?           Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
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