Page 3 - 2023年9月號
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                                       2023 ϋ 9 ˜þਿᓾ઺ԃၾᗆο˜

         ɓe˰ޢҧቃ༟ৃ                                             33    ༨൳ߕ਷ٙ˄ජঐᒿ๖

         ROTARY WORLD NEWS                                          ҧቃၾʠɛ࢕෤ᑌ˓މЭϗɝ܊˴౤Զ
           3    ٟڗ˖ѓ                                               America’s solar energy divide
                President s message                                Rotary and Habitat bring rooftop solar to
           5    ҧቃਿږڭ၍։ࡰึ˴։˖ѓ                                      low-income homeowners
                Message from the Foundation Chair--           36    Ңࡁࠅ΢ЗٙจԈΫ㉿
                Create your Rotary moment                          We want your feedback
           7    2024 ਷ყϋึ ˕˕ ৖ɛึఙ                             37    ЫరరஜஜٙटЂ
                2024 Convention--A dazzling venue                  The kebab you’re looking for
           8    ˋГٙ৵ԢᆄȆ෦ᔜဧȆ৵ɕ౶ȆᅃȆ                             38    2023 ϋኈဧ͉਷ყϋึᑺ൚ ˕˕
                ͚ီ໤஗፯މ 2025-26 ϋܓ਷ყҧቃٟڗ                             ٟڗ຅፯ɛ௥ږॶл
                Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil selected   Speech by President Gordon R. McInally at
                to be 2025-26 Rotary International President       2023 Melbourne RI Convention

           9    ଣԫึӔᙄ࿜ࠅ ˕˕ 2023 ϋ 5 ˜ʿ 7 ˜                    42    ʡჿ݊ᜊࠧଣሞÿර˖ٔᙇ
                Board Decisions--May and  ¨July©  2023             What is a theory of change
          10    ڭ၍։ࡰึӔᙄ ˕˕ 2023 ϋ 6 ˜
                Trustee decisions--June 2023                 ɚeήਜݺਗజኬ
                                                             DISTRICT REPORTS
          12    ҷ᎘౬ࠦٙอ̋ս
                Shape-shifting Singapore                      44    ਷ყҧቃ̨ᝄۃᐼ္՘ึ
          22    ˰ޢ΢ήٙҧቃࠇ೥
                Rotary projects around the globe                    ёۜৢֳʹટՊᓿÿ؍ശ׼
                                                                   Council of Past Governors in Taiwan:
          24    ஹᇞϓ̌                                               a tour of school building renovation, a concert
                ࠅᏎ໾ᅰЗໝࢨdఱ੽઺ࢪක֐                                     and a handover ceremony
                Wired for success                             46
                To close the digital divide, start with the teachers  ࿲΂਷ყҧቃ 2023-24 ϋܓᔖ։ࡰ
          30    Ӕ֛ྒྷ༊                                               Update on Taiwan Rotarians who serve RI and TRF
                ҧቃٟࡰɽᑔрɢdߧɢ׵ऊৰזɕߕݲ                                 as trustee, director-elect, committee members,
                ٙɿࢗ᎕ᐖ                                              advisors & coordinators for RY 2023-24
                A decision to try                             47
                In a bold endeavor, Rotary members work toward      3461 ήਜϞݺɢҧቃٟʈЪ޼ীึ
                                                                    (DVCW) ߏࠅÿմ౉റ
                eliminating cervical cancer in Latin America
                                                                   Vibrant Club Workshop 2023 of District 3461

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