Page 8 - 2023年1月號
P. 8

                               New beginnings, new

                             opportunities to serve

         A new year is upon us. As we look forward to      Foundation, which delivered a grant that set the
         new beginnings and experiences, let’s think outside   project on its path to success.
         the box and find new opportunities to serve through    Before long, East Timor Roofing became a
         Rotary.                                           financially viable enterprise, raising enough money
             Consider taking up a community economic       to build roofs for homes, schools, orphanages,
         development project this year. In this Rotary area   and commercial buildings. Subsistence farmers
         of focus, we apply our professional experience by   got silos for their crops. Hundreds of Timorese
         promoting the entrepreneurial spirit as we help   received professional training in basic building
         communities help themselves in a sustainable way.   and administrative skills. Thousands of new water
         Community economic development projects, to       tanks ensured that young girls could attend school
         paraphrase the universal adage, don’t just give   rather than fetching water.
         someone a fish today but teach them to fish so they    What began as a roofing project is today a
         can eat for a lifetime.                           commercial enterprise employing local people and
             These projects can be microloans to start up a   making a huge impact. And your Foundation paved
         livestock breeding business, or they might take the   the way.
         adopt-a-village approach in which Rotary works         What experiences lie ahead for you in 2023?
         with communities on multipronged efforts to boost   A district or global grant? Or possibly a visit to
         local economies sustainably.                      Melbourne, Australia, just up the road from my
             In 2000, during its transition to independence,   home, to make new friends, reunite with old ones,
         Timor-Leste was reeling from political violence   and find partners for projects during the 2023
         and destruction. Communities not only needed      Rotary International Convention?
         shelter and improved living conditions but also a      Let’s make a New Year’s resolution to take
         new economy.                                      advantage of opportunities to learn, grow, and
             This  is  where Australian  Rotary  clubs     serve. And let’s have some fun in the process. This
         stepped up with the East Timor Roofing project to   is Rotary, after all.
         produce and install corrugated roofing, and later,     So, my friends, let us go forth and carpe
         water tanks and grain silos. As the project grew,   annum Ñ seize the year.
         other organizations joined, including The Rotary
                                                                                             IAN H.S. RISELEY
                                                                                    Foundation trustee chair
         Illustration by Viktor Miller Gausa
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