Page 6 - 2021年9月號
P. 6

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               I     wish each of you and your families a great Rotary   boldest goals we have as Rotarians. We don’t have to   PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
                                                            Empowering people through education is among the
                       am sure you are having an enriching experi-
                                                          must ensure that we help them shape their future.
                       ence as you Serve to Change Lives. One of the

                     New Year! Together, let us make it the best year
                                                            These are challenging times, and I compliment each
                       ways you can make the greatest change in
                     of our lives, by making it a year to grow more and
                                                          of your eΠorts in grappling with COVID-19. No chal-
       –— ˜™š› œžšŸ¡™–š¢™›£,                              travel far from our homes to encounter those whose lives
                                                          are being curtailed because they stru‘gle with reading,
                       a person’s life is to help them learn to read.
                     do more. Let this be a year of changemakers, and
                                                          lenge is too big for Rotarians. The biŠger the challenge,
      I     wish each of you and your families a great Rotary   must ensure that we help them shape their future.
                                                          rely on others to read for them, or cannot write anything
                       Literacy opens up the world to us. It makes
                                                          the more passionate
                     let us begin with our membership.
                                                          more than their own name.
               us better informed about life in our own communities
                                                          the Rotarian. Look at

                  That is precisely why the Each One, Bring One ini-
            New Year! Together, let us make it the best year
                                                    These are challenging times, and I compliment each

               and opens vistas to other cultures. Reading and writing
                                                            Starting this month, consider how your club can Serve
                tiative is so important. During this year, I urge you to
                                                          what we can do when
            of our lives, by making it a year to grow more and
                                                  of your eΠorts in grappling with COVID-19. No chal-
                                                                                                           PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
                                                          to Change Lives through literacy: Support local organiza-
                                                                                                           PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
               connects people and gives us another way to express
                dream of new ways in which Rotary can expand its
                                                          we take on a colos-
                                                                              The biggest gift we are given
            do more. Let this be a year of changemakers, and
                                                          tions that o“ er free programs to support adult literacy
               our love for one another.
                reach into your community and therefore the world.
                                                                              Is the power to touch a life,
                                                          sal  challenge  such
                                                  the more passionate
            let us begin with our membership.     lenge is too big for Rotarians. The biŠger the challenge,
                                                          or local language learning, or that provide teachers with
                  September is Basic Education and Literacy Month in
                If each member introduces one person to Rotary, our
                                                          as eradicating polio.
          That is precisely why the Each One, Bring One ini-  the Rotarian. Look at   To change, to make a difference
                                                          professional development centered around reading and
               Rotary. Enhancing literacy skills is critical in our pursuit
                                                          Look at the millions
                membership can increase to 1.3 million by July 2022.
       tiative is so important. During this year, I urge you to   what we can do when   In the circle of life.
                                                          writing. Become literacy mentors, or work with an or-
               of reducing poverty, improving health, and promoting
                                                          of lives we improve by
                So, let’s just do it!
       dream of new ways in which Rotary can expand its   we take on a colos-  The biggest gift we are given
                                                                              If we can reach out
                                                          ganization like the Global Partnership for Education
               peace. In fact, if all students in low-income countries
                  Imagine the change we, as Rotary members, can

                                                          strengthening access
       reach into your community and therefore the world.   sal  challenge  such   Is the power to touch a life,
                                                                              With our hand, heart, and soul,
               left school with basic reading skills, it would result in a
                                                          to increase learning opportunities for children around
                                                          to water, sanitation,
                make when there are so many more of us! More peo-
       If each member introduces one person to Rotary, our   as eradicating polio.   To change, to make a difference
                                                          the world. Have conversations with local schools and
               signifi cant cut in global poverty rates.
                                                          and hygiene. Look at
                ple to care for others, more people to Serve to Change
                                                                              The magic will start to happen
       membership can increase to 1.3 million by July 2022.   Look at the millions   In the circle of life.
                                                          libraries to see how your club can support their existing
                  Without education, illiterate children become illiter-
                                                          what we do every year
                Lives. Think of the impact we can have through grow
                                                                              As the wheel begins to roll.
       So, let’s just do it!                      of lives we improve by
                                                          programs or help create needed ones in your community.
               ate adults. Today, 14 percent of the world’s adult popula-
                                                          to promote peace in
                more, do more. More members will enable us to embark
                                                                              Let’s turn the wheel together
          Imagine the change we, as Rotary members, can   strengthening access   If we can reach out
                                                            In India, the TEACH program, a successful collabora-
               tion — 762 million people — lack basic reading and writ-
                                                          places where it seems
                on biŠger and bolder service projects. And each of us
                                                                              So all humanity thrives,
       make when there are so many more of us! More peo-  to water, sanitation,   With our hand, heart, and soul,
                                                          tion between the country’s Rotary clubs and its govern-
               ing skills. Two-thirds of that group are women. Literacy
                can also continue to serve in our own personal ways,
                                                          unimaginable.  Our
       ple to care for others, more people to Serve to Change   and hygiene. Look at   The magic will start to happener and the magic
                                                                              We have the pow
                                                          ment, has demonstrated how to scale up literacy e“ orts
               and numeracy skills are essential to obtaining better
                responding to needs in our communities.
                                                          basic  education  and
       Lives. Think of the impact we can have through grow   what we do every year   As the wheel begins to roll.
                                                                              To Serve to Change Lives.
                                                          to reach millions of children. And at a time when schools
               housing, health care, and jobs over a lifetime.
                  The beauty of Rotary is that service means diΠer-
                                                          literacy programs have

       more, do more. More members will enable us to embark   to promote peace in
                                                          across India were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
                  Especially for girls and women, literacy can be a life-
                                                          nation-building impact.
                ent things to diΠerent people around the world. One
       on biŠger and bolder service projects. And each of us   places where it seems   Let’s turn the wheel together
                                                          the program’s e-learning component reached more than
               or-death issue. If all girls completed their primary edu-
                element, however, that we can incorporate into all of

                                                            This year, let us
                                                                      So all humanity thrives,
       can also continue to serve in our own personal ways,   unimaginable.  Our
                                                          100 million children through national television.
                our service initiatives is empowering girls. Unfortunately,
                                                          challenge ourselves
               cation, there would be far fewer maternal deaths. And a
                                                                      We have the power and the magic
       responding to needs in our communities.    basic  education  and  is the fi rst step out of poverty. As Nobel
               child is more likely to survive past age 5 if he or she is
                                                          to do more such projects and programs that have
                even in this day and age, girls and young women face
                                                          laureate Malala Yousafzai has noted, “One child, one
          The beauty of Rotary is that service means diΠer-  literacy programs have   To Serve to Change Lives.
               born to a mother who can read. Improving outcomes
                disproportionate challenges all over the world. We have
                                                          national reach and impact. This year, let us Serve to
       ent things to diΠerent people around the world. One   nation-building impact.
                                                          teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.”
               for more people worldwide is possible only if countries
                                                          Change Lives.
                the power to lead the charge for gender equality. Em-
             Sephi Bergerson
             Sephi Bergerson
                                                    This year, let us
       element, however, that we can incorporate into all of    mic ar-
                powering girls and young women to have greater
               remove barriers to education for girls. The econo access
               gument for doing so is clear: In some countries where
       our service initiatives is empowering girls. Unfortunately,   challenge ourselves
                to education, better health care, more employment, and
       even in this day and age, girls and young women face   to do more such projects and programs that have
               schooling is geared toward boys, the cost of missed eco-
                equality in all walks of life should be embedded in every
                                                                           Pr President, Rotary Inte
       disproportionate challenges all over the world. We have r year.     President, Rotary Internationalesident, Rotary International
                                                  national reach and impact. This year, let us Serve to rnationalPresident, Rotary International
                Rotary project we launch. Girls are future leaders, so we
               nomic opportunity is more than $1 billion pe
                                                  Change Lives.
       the power to lead the charge for gender equality. Em-
     Sephi Bergerson  powering girls and young women to have greater access               SEPTEMBER 2021  ROTARY  1 1
                                                                                               JULY 2021  ROTARY
       to education, better health care, more employment, and
       equality in all walks of life should be embedded in every
                臺灣扶輪 2021.9
       Rotary project we launch. Girls are future leaders, so we
                                                                    President, Rotary Internationalesident, Rotary International
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