Page 42 - English Edition 2002
P. 42

District 3510 Taiwan - Zone 9                            97 Clubs 3,257 Members
                                                                                  as of 28 Feb 2022

                                         Tsai, Cheng-Wang                            Wu,Tai-Chang
                                         (Wonderful)                                 (Terry)
                                         District Governor                           District Governor
                                         2021-22                                     2022-23
                                         D.3510                                      D.3510

                                      12 Rotary districts in Taiwan co-sponsor project
                                                 for native trees reforestation

                    More than one thousand Rotarians from        governors of the 12 districts were present at
                the 12 Rotary districts in Taiwan collaborate    the event, which was hosted by DG Wonderful
                in a joint service project for White Popinac     of D3510 and Club President Internet Wang
                removal and native trees reforestation. Braving   of the local Rotary Club Hengchun. "This
                the scorching sun, Rotary members planted        300,000-US-dollars project will show that
                trees along the Guishan Trail in Checheng,       Rotary Taiwan really cares the environment
                Pingtung County on March 14, 2022. All the       we live in," said DG Wonderful  "the 3-year

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