Page 41 - English Edition 2002
P. 41
The major goal is to support the local singer Xu Jing-chun and others.
non-profit charity organizations for physically More than 3,000 people participated in
and mentally handicapped which have been the carnival, and the event become excited
suffering the growing impacts and dramatic extremely when the winners were announced
decrease of donation since the first breakout for a lots-drawing for 30 home appliances
of COVID-19. The organizations invited and bicycles awards. Even more, in 649 valid
to participate in the carnival were offered questionnaires received in the carnival there
opportunities to perform at the event and hold were 55 persons extended their wishes to join
charity sales at free booths so that the need for Rotary club.
their visibility and financial support for them The event was covered by more than 10
would be enhanced. media interviews and reports, including Beijian
During the event, the Rotary district Cable TV, North Taoyuan (Kbro) Cable TV,
also hosted a ceremony for donation of the Yahoo (Kimo) News, Department of Public
"COVID-19 Screening Stations in Bade Information Taoyuan and major Facebook
Sunshine Vitality Park " and "Mobile PCR groups in Taoyuan. Rotarian Sara in RC
Screening booths". At the same time, all Taoyuan East Trust, sponsored advertisements
Rotarians in the 12 sections of the district on the event and service project of Rotary
flocking in a polio charity sale with a net District 3502 that was showed on 18 outdoor
revenue of nearly 700,000 NTDs (including TV walls in Taoyuan for a month, reaching
170,000 NTDs from Section 11) contributed more than 100,000 individuals. It was a big
to Rotary's Polio Eradication Fund and an success in Rotary's public image promotion.
increased public understanding of how Rotary The event was mainly organized by RC
International have been helping eradicate Taoyuan East Trust, its club president Andy,
polio in the world. There was an outstanding members and spouses, and were actively
saxophone performance by Rotarian Clony supported by DG Water, his district team,
Tuan in the charity concert, in addition to the 67 Rotary clubs and many Rotaract clubs in
great performances by famous Jungle Voice District 3502.