Page 4 - 2024年6月號
P. 4

51    3523 ήਜމٟʾ፬ఙʔɓᅵٙήਜϋึÿ
                A different district conference of D3523
          55    ҧቃჯኬኪ৫̨ᝄʱ௅
                ୋ 82 ಂኪࡰ৅ᇖึÿ୿ձ༺
                The 82th student course of RLI Taiwan Division
                                                              68    ίήਜኪ୦ݺਗʕྼስҧቃБਗࠇ೥
          ΌଢᆤпږࣩԷʱԮ                                                District 3470 practices Rotary’s Action Plan in its
          ([SHULHQFHV RI VSRQVRULQJ ** 3URMHFW                     learning events
          57    ၽیֱ̹၅ٟ ķķ ࣏ᗍྗیήਜ਋ඊ˫߅                          72    ˴ᇜၚ፯ ķķ Ҧᔖ઺ԃٙ৖ܠၾॆྼÿ
                ൢᐕண௪                                                ҽඤସ
                RC Tainan Lucky--helps school children             Editor-in-Chief’s selection--Myths and realities
                in remote areas in Chiayi and Tainan               about technical and vocational education
                by donating dental equipment
                                                              74    ɓੵඉୃ݂ٙԫ ķķ Ⴍ༑ٙ౽ᅆÿɕ˂ࠥ
          59    ̨̏၅ᙧٟ ķķ ɢ࣎ڮආ਋ඊਿᓾ઺ԃ                                Story of a stamp--Open mouth with wisdom
                RC Taipei Fuling--sponsors on-line tutoring   76    ካρʘሳÿᏖ˖㒥
                program to enhance basic education in remote       Interesting encounters in traveling around the world--
                rural communities                                  Seto Ohashi Bridge
          60    ̨̹̏؇˙ٟ ķķ ढԸࡡИ͏ɹഢሊ͛                           77    Ыٙ਺੶ԸІЫٙঌࢮÿ፠؇׼
                                                                   Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength
                RC Taipei Orient--sponsors oral health and    78    ௴อପۜ݊ૢᑙԔұጋٙ༩ÿ؍ʪආ
                training program for helping indigenous people     Arduous road to innovative products
                in Wulai villages
                                                              79    ̨ᝄ˖οෂᅧ̬ϵϋዝ̦ᔊሔÿ௓݁ඪ
          93    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ                                             A brief 400-year history of Taiwan
                Clubs in action
                                                              84    ქᐻࣛΈሳሔ˜፯ߕ™ÿࢱᎲᙜ
         ɧeҧቃЪۜ                                                    Thoughts on beauty pageant
         SPECIAL ARTICLES                                     85    Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ˍɧÿ௓׋ᅃ
                                                                   About some Chinese characters (part23)
          63    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ
                Comics on Rotary: Lady’s Night                85    ͏਷ 112 ϋ 7 ˜໮ -113 ϋ 6 ˜໮ͦ፽॰ˏ
                                                                   Index of Taiwan Rotary
          64    ڀᇳቤӨԈᗇҧቃၣഖٙɢඎÿ
                                                                   July 2023 June 2024
                Rotary network helps Indian visitors during the   111   ᇜ፨ܝা
                earthquake on April 3rd in Hualien                 Editor’s note

          65    ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ķķ DEI εʩ ̻ഃ ࢙̍ÿ
                Tips from Rotary leaders--about DEI
                                                              11    Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
          66    ɓʕਪᕚkɓ΀ਪᕚkÿᘽɓ΀                                     Rotary numbers
                One-China issue and my name
                                                              56    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
          67    ˜ᓙવᕎ™อ༆ÿҽ௹ڦ                                        Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
                A new explanation of decluttering life
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