Page 3 - 2024年6月號
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                                          2024 ϋ 6 ˜þҧቃᑌሒ˜

         ɓe˰ޢҧቃ༟ৃ                                             28    ਄ੰٙΈԅ
         ROTARY WORLD NEWS                                          ˄ජঐʔසϞл׵ᐑྤdᒔঐᓒɽᐏ੻
           3    ٟڗ˖ѓ                                               A healthy glow
                President’s message                                Solar energy isn’t just good for the environment--
           7    ҧቃਿږڭ၍։ࡰึ˴։˖ѓ                                      it’s expanding access to health care
                Message from the Foundation Chair--           32    ௰௰଩႓ٙࣛՍ
                Thank you and keep dreaming big                     ίج਷dޜमጟظٻ݊ߕλࣛΈٙೊᓃ

           9    2024 ϋ 4 ˜਷ყҧቃଣԫึึᙄ࿜ࠅ                              For the sweetest sweet moments
                Highlights from April 2024 Rotary International    In France, chouquettes are at the center of
                Board of Directors Meeting                         the good times

          10    2024 ϋ 4 ˜ҧቃਿږڭ၍։ࡰึึᙄ࿜ࠅ                      ɚeήਜݺਗజኬ
                Highlights from the April 2024 Rotary Foundation   DISTRICT REPORTS
                Board of Trustees Meeting
                                                              33    ਷ყҧቃ̨ᝄۃᐼ္՘ึ
          12    ᗝ᎘ܝٙɛ͛                                              ˚͉؇ԯ᎑֥ʞ˚༷€ɧʘɧ

                ࿁ݔЗ௔ࠏϼжԸႭdᙲᅂ ķķ ʿҧቃ                                The Council of Past Governors in Taiwan hosts
                ķķක઼ə˰ޢ                                            an unforgettable 5-day trip to Shizuoka, Japan in
                Life behind the lens                               March 2024 (Pt 3)
                For an Army veteran, photography--and Rotary
                --have opened up the world                    37    Յഁືᓿي ķķ ɓᕐอቨdᜫ܀ɿ
                                                                    Ԑ੻һჃÿ 3462 ήਜҧቃʮूၣ
          16    ᗫᒟࣛՍ                                               Rotary Charity Network in D3462 gives shoes to
                                                                   school children in remote areas in Changhua
                ᜫ༈̹ٙئ֦ࠠ͛ ķķ Ϥഄଫ̙ԶՉ˼
                                                              39    3481 ήਜϋܓήਜϋึ෥တᑘ፬d
                A watershed moment                                  ௴ɨਞၾɛᅰߏ፽ÿጅ͗ন
                The Rotary Club of Milwaukee revitalized its       2024 District Conference of D3481 has a record
                city’s riverfront with a contribution from a local   high number of attendees
                landowner--a strategy that could work in other   42  3490 ήਜୋ 34 ֣ήਜϋึߏྼÿ
                communities                                         3490 ήਜϋึᘪ௪։ࡰึ
          24    મ՟Бਗٙɛ ķķ ᅂᚤɢપਗ٫                                   2024 District Conference of D3490
                People of Action--Impact makers               46    ਷ყҧቃ 3502 ήਜ 2023-24 ϋܓ
          26    ˰ޢ΢ήમ՟Бਗٙɛ                                          ήਜϋึߏྼÿմၪӒ
                People of Action around the globe                  2024 District Conference of D3502 in 2024

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