Page 4 - 2024年5月號
P. 4

50    ܰஞിܛႷ 3800 ʾλήਜஞਪྠߏ፽ÿ
                A delegation from D3461, Taiwan visits D3800,
                Philippines for a Rotary Friendship Exchange
          52    3462 ήਜୋɖ֣ϋึ
                ҁߕʔணࠢ ؂ਕೌᗙყÿ؍یവ                               77    াኳʕٙ˜ၽୃÿҽ௹ڦ
                2024 District Conference of D3462                  Train station platform tickets in my memory
          55    3462 ήਜ AED Іਗ᜗̮ːᛔ̘ᛦኜ࣏ᗍܢ                      79    ҧቃҷᜊʕٙϓڗ ķķ ϵϋํੀܵᚃϓڗ
                હ΋ቜ APP ၾ CPRAED ઺ԃ৅ᇖÿᘽڥκ                           ఱ݊ቦʔᓙٙҷᜊÿቍ࣫ΰ
                D3462 saves lives thru donation of AED             Rotary grows with changes
                equipment, APP and CPRAED training
                                                              86    ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ķķ ҧቃٙࡡᓃÿරၪઽ
          57    3482 ήਜ 2023-24 ϋܓୋɖ֣ήਜϋึÿ                         Tips from Rotary leaders--Rotary origin
                ௔ҕ                                            87    ˴ᇜၚ፯ ķķ ᔕᙇဘሔÿ࿋ݡಌ
                2024 District Conference of D3482
                                                                   Editor-in-Chief’s selection--about translation
          61    3502 ήਜྠඟ৅ᇖ޼ীึ೮ఙ                              89    ਪಬࡳ੻૶ν஢ ķķ ˂˂ࠠකዚÿᑽ˖͞

                ήਜग़փྠඟႅැܙ೯ÿ௓݈࿰                                     How can make one so clear and cool?
                2024 DTTS of D3502
                                                                   the answer is to reset oneself daily by
          64    3510 ήਜᐑڭeᔊዎeٝ׌ၾช׌ٙ                                always learning something new
                ୋ 26 ֣ήਜϋึÿࢱ݆͑                                89    Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ˍɚÿ௓׋ᅃ
                2024 District Conference of D3510
                                                                   About some Chinese characters (part22)
          67    RFE ʾሒʹ౬ ՇɛϓБÿ௓֛௷                             90    80 ๋ʘᐍኣÿ፠؇׼
                A Rotary couple from Germany enjoy their visit     How to cross the walls in your life when getting
                to D3522 through RFE
          70    3523 ήਜฌʱԮhʱԮฌd৔ฌݕࡼ྽d                         91    ซ྅ɢၾᜳ׌௴ிɢÿ؍ʪආ
                Ңࡁ̈೯əÿเۯᚆ                                          Imagination and spiritual creativity
                168 Rotary Doctors and volunteers from D3523
                freely provide 1,000 wheelchairs,             92    ካρʘሳÿᏖ˖㒥
                10,000 schoolbags and medical equipment            Interesting encounters in traveling around the world--
                and service to the need in Cambodia                meet a crazy biker and a Rotary wheel
                                                                   at Uspallata, Argentina
          73    ୋ 81 ಂኪࡰ৅ᇖึː੻జѓÿ৷فන
                Reflections on the 81st student course of     93    ˸̦މᗝ ୨̮਷ɛί̨ᝄ ķķ
                RLI Taiwan Division                                 ૶ج኷نߏׂ෤ਜÿ௓֛௷
                                                                   Lessons from history of foreigners in Taiwan--
          94    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ                                             Cimetière militaire français de Keelung
                Clubs in action
                                                             111    ᇜ፨ܝা
         ɧeҧቃЪۜ                                                    Editor’s note
          75    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                       7    Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                Comics on Rotary:                                  Rotary numbers
                Annual charter anniversary ceremony           37    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
          76    Ы݊ࡳ၇ɛkÿᘽɓ΀                                         Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
                Are you an entrepreneur socially responsible?
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