Page 4 - 2024年4月號
P. 4

56    ਷ყҧቃ̨ᝄۃᐼ္՘ึ
                The Council of Past Governors in Taiwan hosts
                a unforgettable 5-day trip to Shizuoka, Japan
                in March 2024 (Pt 1)
          60    3461 ήਜᛇᆀҧቃ Ꮂϋ ܰϋ৵                            76    Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ˍɓÿ௓׋ᅃ

                ͜࿔ൺԐ࿫༷ஷቢᕄÿጅ׼௷                                      About some Chinese characters (part21)
                D3461 celebrates lunar new year holidays with a   77  ᅃ਷ࠪᆀᐄ “Haus Marteau” ķķ
                14KM Marathon for fellowship in Tong Xiao
                                                                    Musik ࠪᆀdݴਗٙߕชlÿᔊ௛ᔮ
          62    ҧቃჯኬኪ৫̨ᝄʱ௅৷ॴफ                                      International music camp Haus Marteau
                ୋ 11 ಂኪࡰ৅ᇖึᙄː੻ÿੵૺശ                                 in Germany
                Reflections on the 11th graduate course of    79    ካρʘሳÿᏖ˖㒥
                RLI Taiwan Division
                                                                    Interesting encounters in traveling around the world--
          ΌଢᆤпږࣩԷʱԮ                                                the thrilling Lukla Airport, Nepal
                                                              80    ˸̦މᗝ ୨̮਷ɛί̨ᝄ ķķ
          64    ɽ͠ʕ̯ٟ ķķ ˫߅Бਗᔼᐕԓÿ௓ห༺                                ɧ൦ԉዱ෫ ฽؇ऎ֦ÿ௓֛௷
                Accessible Mobile Clinic for Remote Barangays      Lessons from history of foreigners in Taiwan--
          88    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ                                             Sandiaojiao Lighthouse in Taiwan's far east point
                Clubs in action                               81    ˜ی฽ ༪Ώऎ™խіی฽ ķķ

                                                                    ৵זؒॎ PB ÿ௓ᅆν
                                                                   Rotarian Angel jumps into icing cold
         SPECIAL ARTICLES                                          Antarctic ocean and breaks her Marathon PB
          66    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                      83    ˸࠮੶Ԓÿ፠؇׼
                Comics on Rotary:                                  Eating well for good mental health
                Rotary Belongs to Every Member
                                                              84    ɛ͛ᔷ઴ᓃÿ؍ʪආ
          67    ᔕᔷ̨ᝄٙ 1896 ϋÿҽ௹ڦ                                   Turning point in my life
                1896--a year that changes the path of Taiwan
                                                              85    ɓੵඉୃ݂ٙԫ ķķ ௴˰ߏ݂ٙԫÿ
          69    λ࢕ΎϞЫÿᇹ˖ⅳ                                           ɕ˂ࠥ
                It’s great to have your service                    Story of a stamp--Genesis
          70    ᚭ৺ၾ˂Դÿᘽɓ΀                                     87    Ӳɛ଻ग़ઞ˰ઋÿࢱᎲᙜ
                The devil is in the details                        The world of different love from men’s eyes
          71    ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ķķ ҧቃٙࡐଣÿරၪઽ                          111    ᇜ፨ܝা
                Tips from Rotary leaders--Rotary Ethics            Editor’s note
          72    ˴ᇜၚ፯ ķķ ၁ᛆಯඎd̍ўၠঐe
                Editor-in-Chief’s selection--Carbon credits and   7  Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                offsets with green energy, circular economy,       Rotary numbers
                biomass material and carbon capture           63    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ

          74    ڋϼٙชᙂ྅ޟჿkÿ௓ၪ߻                                      Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
                Good posture and growing old
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