Page 80 - 2023年12月號
P. 80

The Solitary Reaper William Wordsworth               ᙇÿᔊ᎑ࡌ

                    Behold her, single in the field,          ޶ਧ ! ௥͞༁ԟ֘ཧཧ
                    Yon solitary highland lass!               Ч˷Ⴣί˂ᗙٙ৷ήɾࠛl
                    Reaping and singing by herself;           μዹІ௲௥Ԩဂਨi
                    Stop here, or gently pass!                ሗवӉdʔ್ఱࢺࢺᕎකl
                    Alone she cuts and binds the grain,       μІࡈՅ௲ɨ௥ᐦԨ࣋ແd
                    And sings a melancholy strain;            ేෆٙʃሜᄘᗙਨf
                    O listen! for the vale profound           ᛓਧl዆ࡈܑԋ༁
                    Is overflowing with the sound             μٙဂᑊ৙ᐗf

                    No nightingale did ever chaunt            μߕѶٙဂᑊˢ
                    More welcome notes to weary bands         ෂՑ๊ࢹ׵ڛזЬӍဋዓᇵɨ
                    Of travelers in some shady haunt,         हଢ଼༷ɿЀ༁ٙցᚱ௾

                    Among Arabian sands:                      һࣀЀһীఃf
                    A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard      μߕѶٙဂᑊˢ
                    In spring-time from the cuckoo- bird,     ί௰ჇჃऎ̺Ԣή໊ࢥ
                    Breaking the silence of the seas          ྌॎɽऎ੕᎑݆ٙ˂Ӂᕯ௾
                    Among the farthest Hebrides.              ϞཀʘϾೌʔʿ !

                    Will no one tell me what she sings?       ምঐѓൡҢμਨԬʡჿk
                    Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow        வۑෆٙဂᑊא஢݊ᗫ׵
                    For old, unhappy, far-off things,         ˿ɛ๨ైٙྡྷ܆ֻԫ
                    And battles long ago:                     ˸ʿࣛٙ̚኷Ҙi
                    Or is it some more humble lay,            ࠅʔ್dึ݊࠯̻૱ೌփٙဂd
                    Familiar matter of today?                 ાࠑٙԫઋ଺הޫٝk
                    Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,       ึ݊˿ɛ઒ઍḛໝא೨߮ٙԫd
                    That has been, and may be again?          ಀ຾೯͛ཀd̙ঐึΎࠠᔧk

                    Whate’er the theme, the Maiden sang       ʔ၍ɾࠛਨԬʡჿd
                    As if her song could have no ending;      μɓਨΎਨdЧ˷ʔึ৾˟i
                    I saw her singing at her work,            ޶ഹμᗙʈЪᗙဂਨd
                    And o’er the sickle bending --            ࣅഹᚙɠdᛃഹ໐ ˕˕
                    I listened motionless and still;          Ң܈ࢹ୩ᛓdਗɰʔਗi
                    And, as I mounted up the hill,            Ͼ຅Ң೮ɪʆ˳d
                    The music in my heart I bore,             ቱࠪʥጢᔎː᎘dc
                    Long after it was heard no more .         ׵ɮɮʔၲԟဂᑊʘܝl

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