Page 3 - 2024年7月號
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                                       2024 ϋ 7 ˜þ͎ፋၾՅഁ਄ੰ˜

          ɓe˰ޢҧቃ༟ৃ                                           28   ˣ༹Іᑥ
                                                                  Apply yourself
                                                             30   ࣬ৰʃՅ௦ຌٙʔ኶ࡇኬ٫
            3    ٟڗ˖ѓ
                 President’s message                              ਷ყҧቃۃٟڗ൭Ьh̺ࣦ஻˰d
                                                                  Ԯϋ 100 ๋
            5    ҧቃਿږڭ၍։ࡰึ˴։˖ѓ                                    Past RI President Herbert G. Brown, a tireless
                 Message from the Foundation Chair--              advocate for polio eradication, dies at 100
                 The engine that powers us
                                                             31   อ˰˾؂ਕʹ౬уਗ਼೯͛ٙҷᜊ
            7    2025 ਷ყϋึ ķķ ɽ࢕ɓৎ࠭Σ̔̋ͭ                           Upcoming Changes to New Generations
                 2025 Convention--All aboard to Calgary           Service Exchange
            8    ༶ᘪ੯ℭ٫                                       32   ڡˇϋჯஙࠇ೥ᑌഖɛ
                 ԒމӮᆠٙ༶ਗ৖dᆄೡ᭿ٟڗڢ੬Ϟঐɢ                              Programs for Young Leaders Contact
                                                             33   ፻᚛۬ɧ׼ط
                 ߈ཀଢژfೌሞ͜ࡳɓ၇༶ਗᙅఏԸႭdμ                              A sandwich for Steel City
                 The playmaker                                    In Pittsburgh, the fries don’t come on the side
                 As an avid sports fan, President Stephanie   2024 ϋอ̋ս਷ყҧቃϋึစᑺ൚
                 Urchick is well-positioned to light the lamp,   34  ਷ყҧቃٟڗ௥ږॶлක࿇൚
                 clear the bases, and split the uprights.         RI President R. Gordon R. McInally’s Opening
                 Whatever the sports metaphor, she’s destined     Remarks at 2024 Singapore Convention
                 to keep Rotary in the winner’s circle
           20    ҧቃჯኬɛ
                                                           DISTRICT REPORTS
                 2024-25 ϋܓอ΂ଣԫʿڭ၍։ࡰ
                 Rotary leaders                              38   2024-25 ϋܓ 12 Зήਜᐼ္ʧୗ
                 Learn about your 2024-25 RI Board of Directors   Meet your 2024-25 District Governors in Taiwan
                 and Rotary Foundation Trustees


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