Page 10 - 2024年6月號
P. 10


                                 Thank you and keep

                                         dreaming big

         Every June, we in Rotary look back at our             Through your support, our dream of spreading
         accomplishments and plan for what’s next. For     peace is growing, with the Otto and Fran Walter
         me, this month is the end of seven years in Rotary   Rotary Peace Center set to welcome its first students
         leadership that began as president-elect of RI.   DW %DKoHúHKLU 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ ,VWDQEXO QH[W \HDU  $QG
             It’s remarkable how far we have come during   if we hadn’t envisioned a better world and supported
         that time, and how much we’ve done through The    PolioPlus, would it have been possible that Nigeria
         Rotary Foundation. We wouldn’t be where we are    would be declared polio-free, as it was in 2020?
         without your support and without you dreaming big.    This is why your support of the Foundation is
             A few months back, I saw these big dreams     so critical. We set an ambitious fundraising goal of
         when I visited a hospital in India where doctors   $500 million this year. We are well on our way to
         perform 4,200 pediatric heart surgeries a year    reaching the goal, and with the support of everyone
         thanks to a global grant. I will never forget the   reading this we’ll make it. I’m especially counting
         hospital in Taiwan where ambulances funded by     on Rotary members who have not yet contributed.
         another Foundation grant have doubled the survival   Whatever you give, know that your gift will make
         rate for heart patients. And these examples barely   a difference, whether it’s for polio eradication,
         scratch the surface; your Foundation awarded 1,098   literacy initiatives, peace education, or any other
         global grants during the 2022-23 Rotary year. Think   area in which Rotary excels.
         about the scale of that work Ñ the magnitude of our   These seven years have been a fantastic run
         impact.                                           for me. I have met so many passionate leaders in
             Our Programs of Scale initiatives around      Rotary, Rotaract, Interact, and other members of our
         the world are more proof of how big dreams are    Rotary family. You have all inspired me with your
         becoming reality. We have grant recipients working   drive and the big dreams you dare to dream.
         to end malaria in Zambia, reduce the mortality rate   All I can do is say thank you. I can’t wait to
         of mothers and infants in Nigeria, and eliminate   see how far those Rotary dreams will take us in the
         cervical cancer in Egypt. Soon, our fourth program   years ahead.
         of scale will get started, dedicated to sustainable                                  BARRY RASSIN
         farming in India.                                                          Foundation trustee chair

         Illustration by Viktor Miller Gausa
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