Page 4 - 2023年3月號
P. 4

59    ᗫᕿٙɢඎķķ ੰ່௷੽ᔼٙڋː‘
                A book lunch of RC Kambo Kang’s autobiography
                shows “Power of Caring”

          60    3461 ήਜ̨ʕ༺˖Гٟ௴ٟᇝৎÿړۯሬ                          76   ᇞᇜमᘒٙ৖ɛ˰ޢÿ؍ᅆઽ
                The journey of starting Rotary Club of             Fascinating wire wrapped jewelry
                Taichung DaVinci
                                                               76   ή˙तЍʃΦķķ ᕐஹ෥˺ಷÿ௓֛௷
          89    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ                                             Recommended Street food--
                Clubs in action                                    Shuanglian glutinous rice ball soups in Taipei

                                                               77   ࿜݋ʆ୿Ԛᓿÿᑽ˖͞
         ɧeҧቃЪۜ                                                    Visiting Zhaixing Villa
                                                               78   τ࠴䆷ɧᄳॆණÿ፠؇׼
          61    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                           A photo album of Shinzo Abe
                Comics on Rotary--Plenary Attendance
                                                               79   ৷ᙧʷٟึईᆓķķ
          62    ঩༸k؛ɻ༸k͛πʘ༸ÿᘽɓ΀                                     આʔ̙ʔٝٙ˜Єˇस™ÿ؍͗ন
                Tea ceremony, bushido, and way of survival
                                                                   Must to know about Sarcopenia in an aging society
          63    ਷͏ਞᄲᄣ੶͏˴ʷÿᇹ˖ⅳ                                  80   Ⴍ˖༆ο͍ࠪ€ɞÿ௓׋ᅃ
                The jury system promotes democracy
                                                                   About some Chinese characters (part 8)
          64    ਷͏ج֜ၾҧቃÿ؍ᒿ˖                                    81   Бഛʘːÿ؍ʪආ
                Citizen judge system and Rotary District 3482
                                                                   Being kind and doing good
          66    ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑķķ ҧቃٙ஢ε˜ୋɓ™ÿ                            82   ಳᏵ౳াÿᔊ᎑ࡌ
                රၪઽ                                                Thoughts from walking in the bank of a lake
                Tips from Rotary leaders--Some Rotary “Firsts”
                                                               84   56 ˂یج – Гफ˫ – ߕ؇ІቷІ͟Б
          67    ҙাΫ࢕ٙኪ٫ķķ ௹يኪ࢕௤௉׀ඪÿ
                                                                    یجᇐ (4) ÿմЇ࡝
                ҽ௹ڦ                                                A 56-days self-drive tour in south France,
                Kano Tadao--a naturalist who forgot to return
                                                                   Spain and East USA (part 4)
          69    ੵරྗ PDG Stephen ʘჯኬࡪኪÿӁ֗ޛ                      87   ԟϋ Baker ٟڗٙ਷ྤʘیÿቍ͑ᔮ
                PDG Stephen Chang exemplifies his leadership       PP Baker’s graduation tour in south Taiwan
                by serving as charter president
                                                              111   ᇜ፨ܝা
          73    ɷɛຬዓਂᐑڭķķ                                          Editor’s note
                Environment friendly production of Oriental
                Beauty Formosa oolong tea                      7    Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
          75    ͸ᙨ೥఼ķķ ࢀ˚؇؁૶ྤʘોe˥̀ڀÿ                               Rotary numbers
                ੵ˂ڗ͸ᙨ                                         37    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
                Art works of Rotary couple--“Rising Sun in a       Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
                summer morning” by PP Sky and “Daffodils”
                by CP Melody
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