Page 4 - 2022年5月號
P. 4

59    ਷ყҧቃ̨ᝄɤɚήਜᑌΥ؂ਕ
                ࠇ೥ݺਗÿ 3510 ήਜᐼ္˜̊ᇜ፨ଡ଼
                12 Rotary districts jointly sponsor a project
                for white popinac removal and native trees
                reforestation in Hengchun

          62    ̨ᝄҧቃʘΈ˕˕ ʮूၣÿҽқ㛬                              81    ̨ᝄ˰ޢ፲ପࡉ፯ήӻΐʘɤʬ˕˕
                Rotary Charity Network in Taiwan helps to match     ̨ᝄᔚʆᇞ˕˕ Ꮂᙜᓙ዗ÿᇜ፨௅
                the needs with the donations from Rotarians         Candidate sites in Taiwan for world heritage (16)--
                                                                    Old mountain line railway & Longteng Broken Bridge
         ([SHULHQFHV RI VSRQVRULQJ ** 3URMHFW                 83    ɛ͛ɓʲί׵ːÿ፠؇׼
          66    ̨̏ٻႂٟ˕˕                                            Life is all about one’s heart
                ڛধऎᎰϘಂ೯ତϘಂطᐕٟਜ؂ਕࠇ೥                            84
                RC Taipei FuJung, D3481--                           ݄ߗੳၾ˥⛰ෂÿᇜ፨௅
                                                                    Shi Nai-an and his novel of "Outlaws of the Marsh"
                supports the Alzheimer patients and families
                in early detection and treatment              86    ර঩ÿᇜ፨௅
                                                                   Yellow tea
          94    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ
                Clubs in action                               87    ੽˜ɓࡈڡϋٙሖ͛™ሔৎÿҽ௹ڦ
                                                                    About a special exhibition on“Birth of Youth” in Taiwan
                                                              90    ϼܔጘٙԚᓿ˕˕
                                                                    ɽᇈᱟ঩ุ˰࢕˕˕ ᎀা঩Бÿᇜ፨௅
          68    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                           Historic buildings in Taiwan--
                Comics on Rotary--No Religious Conflicts           Chen Tian Lai Gen Kee Tea House
          69    ɓੵඉୃ݂ٙԫ˕˕ ړΛဧ౽Ԋÿɕ˂ࠥ                           92    ϼ๫˪݂ٙԫ˕˕
                Story from a post stamp--                           ڭᖯȆ۞Ԣ౶ၾ RIBI ٟڗ޴Ԉᛇÿ˴ᇜ
                Winston Churchill and his words of wisdom          Stories with faded photos--
                                                                   Rotary founder Paul Harris and RIBI President
          72    ෂ୕ٙۏࢯdତ˾ٙહ݋˕˕
                                                                   Sydney Pascall
                Liu Kuo-Sung and his modern ink paintings     93    ᛧᕡփᗈ˕˕ Ꮂډ৸ÿᇜ፨௅
                innovate traditional Chinese art                   Gourmet talks--braised snake and leopard cat
          78    Ңٙҧቃܠ॰˕˕                                     111    ᇜ፨ܝা
                ҧቃிɛኪࣧٙ઺ၾኪÿ؍ɷཕ                                     Editor’s note
                Sharing thoughts on Rotary--
                Lessons about “Rotary is in a fact a school for   7  Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                adult education in the affairs of social life.”    Rotary numbers
          80    ഗІʉ 10 ߆ᙒÿᘽɓ΀                                 58    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
                Give yourself 10 seconds                           Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9