Page 3 - 2022年5月號
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                                         2022 ϋ 5 ˜þڡˇϋ؂ਕ˜


           3    ٟڗ˖ѓ                                          35    ڮԴҷᜊ٫€ɞÿᒤᚲؒᙇ
                President's message                                Changemakers
           5    ҧቃਿږڭ၍։ࡰึ˴։˖ѓ                                 36    ԟ݊ʡჿชᙂn
                Message from the Foundation Chair--                What it’s like to …
                We can build a better future
           7    2022 ਷ყϋึ˕˕ Бਗݼ
                2022 Convention--Action figures              DISTRICT REPORTS
           8    ҧቃٙБਗࠇ೥˕˕ મ՟БਗආБᜊࠧ                            40    3461 ήਜ 2022-23 ϋܓпଣᐼ္࿬
                The Rotary action plan                              ήਜྠඟ৅ᇖ޼୦ึÿˮ᳅㏇
                Taking action for change                           2022-23 AG & DTTS of Rotary District 3461
          10    ҧቃٙБਗࠇ೥                                       42    3461 ήਜ 2022-23 ϋܓٟڗ຅፯ɛ
                ᄣ̋Ңࡁٙᅂᚤɢ˕˕                                          ৅ᇖ޼ীึÿ 3461 ήਜᐼ္˜జᇜ፨௅
                                                                   2022-23 PETS of Rotary District 3461
                The Rotary action plan                        44    3461 ήਜ
                Increase our impact--                               ϋึସԫ ፋԒชա
                a conversation with Tusu Tusubira                   ߕλҧቃ ଉಔɛːÿҽ˰ਃ
          12    হːชᑽהϞίढдᚆᏍпཀҢࡁٙ                                   Participants of District 3461’s district conference
                                                                   in 2021-22 inspired by the beauties of Rotary
                A big thank you to all our Rotary members     48    3462 ήਜ 2021-22 ϋܓୋʞ֣ήਜϋึ
                who have helped us in Ukraine                       ྼرజኬÿᘽᎀૠ
          14    ˰ޢ΢ήٙҧቃࠇ೥                                          Report on 2021-22 district conference of Rotary
                Rotary projects around the globe                   District 3462
          16    ᐕᓹவᏦԫ                                         52    ਷ყҧቃ 3482 ήਜʞږϋึÿˮ˱ᄣ
                The business of healing                             “5 Golds” district conference of Rotary District 3482
          26    ૅܛၾাኳ                                         56    3490 ήਜฌٙቃᔷฉഛࠪᆀึ
                Melodies and memories                               ҧቃٟ࣏ 300 ຬБਗൢᐕԓÿѐ਷ᘒ
                                                                   A 3-million- NT$ “mobile medical clinic” vehicle
                                                                    donated by Rotary District 3490 at its charity concert

          ܆ࠦj     ήਜอ̏ପ຾ၣ༩ٟٟʾ 5RVD /LQ యହ &KLHQGH
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