Page 4 - 2021年7月號
P. 4


           74    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                    88   ˜਷ყ່ɛ™̮ɓ௝ÿҽ௹ڦ
                 Comics on Rotary--The 4-Way Test                 Another story of a Chinese Rightous Among
           75    ᘠԒࠧնٙᖵஔ࢕                                         the Nations
                 ඩдȆ༩׸Ȇɽሊÿ؍ɷཕ                                90   ϼܔጘٙԚᓿ˕˕
                 Jacques Louis David, a great painter who         ዝ̦ٙࠐ༦˕˕࿎ʷვБᐼБ˕˕
                 devotes himself to French revolution             ̨ʕ̹І͟༩ၾ̨ᝄɽ༸༩ɹÿᄎᜑ࿎
           78    ɸɿٙॆ޴ÿᘽɓ΀                                        Historic buildings in Taiwan--
                                                                  Chang Hwa Bank Headquarter and Museum
                 Finding out the truth from forks
           79    ʕ਷͗ኜʘ˜ߕ™ၾ˜ᅃ™€ɪÿ                            92   ϼ๫˪݂ٙԫ˕˕މၪᚐҧቃ࣬ਿϾ
                                                                  Stories with faded photos--
                 The beauty and virtue of Chinese jade crafts
                                                                  Sometaro Shiba’s decision to prevent Rotary
           81    ̨ᝄ˰ޢ፲ପࡉ፯ήӻΐʘʬ˕˕                                  from disintegration
                 ߈൳ʆᛂ̶ٙᎲ˕˕ ڛԢʆಌ؍᚛༩ÿ                          93   ᛧᕡփᗈ˕˕
                 Candidate sites in Taiwan for world heritage (6)--
                                                                  Gourmet talks--
                 Alishan Forest Railway
                                                                  MaPo Tofo, the best dish of Sichuan cuicine
           83    ၚ๟਄ੰอᒈැ‘ਿΪᔼኪ˕˕                             95   ̨ᝄڕࠬ፽˕˕
                 Trends in precision health--
                                                                  Culture in Taiwan--
                 accelerate the approaches to improve
                                                                  Festival of rewards from heaven
                 personalized health
           85    ڭ਄܃̝ٙᎺ˕˕ɛ͛ٙ༶ਗࠇ೥ÿ                           113   ᇜ፨ܝা
                                                                  Editor’s note
                 Tips from Doctors--
                 A life-long habit of exercise                9
           86    ̨ᝄҧቃɛٙܿ኷ÿቍຩᘴ                                     Rotary numbers
                 A challenge to the Rotarians in Taiwan      84
                                                                  ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
           87    ɓʲᎇɛจÿ፠؇׼                                        Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
                 To live in the way one wants
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