2022/07/28  閱覽數 935  分享至



扶輪的COVID-19特別工作小組已指定2022821日至27日為「醫護工作人員週」(Health Care Workers Week)。國際扶輪鼓勵各扶輪社及扶青社利用這段時間,在自己的社及社區內表彰醫護專業人員所做的工作。

各位可以透過多種方式表達你們的感激之意,而有一個很好方式可作為開始:直接與當地的醫護專業人員商談,以瞭解他們想要及需要何種類型的支援 —— 並且瞭解身在扶輪的我們如何能做出最佳的回應。


  • 向醫療機構或衛生部門寄發感謝函
  • 在醫療機構或活動中擔任義工
  • 向當地媒體發函宣揚醫護工作人員以提升認識
  • 在社交媒體上發布您對醫護人員的感謝
  • 在會議或活動中表揚身為醫護人員的社員
  • 詢問附近的醫療中心是否可以捐贈食物或烘焙食品

請使用下面的範本來表彰並感謝貴社區的醫護工作人員。然後,在國際扶輪的「扶輪櫥窗」(Rotary Showcase )上分享您所做的努力。



致編輯函 -「醫護工作人員週」


國際扶輪 敬上




Show your appreciation to health care workers

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers have dedicated their time, energy, and skills to ensure our safety. As they provided vaccinations, administered tests, tracked outbreaks, and cared for patients, they sometimes put their own health at risk to do so.

With the pandemic far from over, we have an opportunity to show our appreciation for them.

Rotary's COVID-19 Task Force has designated 21-27 August 2022 as Health Care Workers Week. We encourage Rotary and Rotaract clubs to use this time to recognize the work of health care professionals in their clubs and in their communities.

You can show your appreciation in many ways, but a great way to start is by talking to local health care professionals directly to learn what type of support they want and need — and how we in Rotary can best respond.

On your own or with your club, you can also:

  • Send letters of appreciation to health care facilities or health departments
  • Volunteer at a health care facility or at an event
  • Raise awareness by sending letters highlighting health workers to local media outlets
  • Post about your appreciation for health care workers on social media
  • Honor club members who are health care workers at a meeting or event
  • Ask nearby medical centers if you can donate meals or baked goods

Use the templates below to honor and thank health care workers in your community. Then, share your efforts on .

We know that a strong health care system and workforce is an essential part of strong, thriving communities. Advocating for health care workers, promoting vaccinations, sharing science based-information, and collaborating with them allows us to amplify Rotary's impact and brings us closer to achieving our vision for lasting change.

Resource Templates

Rotary International

