Page 8 - 2024英文年刊
P. 8

                                          Map of Taiwan 12 Districts
            R o t ar y  w a s  fi r s t
            introduced to Taiwan           D3481  D3482  D3521
            when the RC (Rotary    D3502
            Club) Taihoku was                             D3522
            formed in 1931 with          D3501
            the RC Tokyo as its
            sponsor. But it and the   D3461             D3523
            RC Takao and the RC
            Keelung discontinued
            functioning in 1940     D3462                D3490             Rotarians of RC Tachia Central participate in a donation ceremony   RC Taipei Hsin-Yi sponsors a GG project to support St. Joseph's Home   Through jointly sponsoring GG2348772, RC Hsinchu Downtown, RC   RC Taipei Choumei sponsors a campaign at Taipei Municipal Yi-Fang
            because of World War II.                                 D3461  for the Global Grant (GG) project #2349944 Accessible Mobile Clinic   D3481  that helps those vulnerable dementia patients. RIPE Stephanie A.   D3501  Hsinchu North, RC Miaoli, and RC Wonju in South Korea donate a   D3521  Elementary School to ensure young students to learn how to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from the drug abuse.
                                                                           for Remote Barangays, which is co-sponsored by the Rotary clubs  in
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mobile Health Vehicle to Miaoli Da Chien Health Medical System for
                                                                                                                                    Urchick visits it during her stay in Taiwan in November 2023.
                                                                           Taiwan and RC Midtown Tarlac of D3790 in the Philippines.                                                         serving in remote Tai'an Township.
            In 1948, RC Taipei was
            formed by community      D3470             D3510
            leaders in Taipei and
            the Rotarians who came
            from the Rotary clubs
            in Chinese Mainland
            that were forced to dissolve in a devastating civil war. In 1960,
            Rotary International granted status of District 345 for the 19
            clubs in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. In 1978, District 3460
            was formed in the central and the south part of Taiwan and
            in 1984, District 3470 was established in the south of Taiwan.
            In 1987, Rotary clubs in Taiwan were separated from those
            in Hong Kong and Macau in District 3450 with District 3480
            created in the north Taiwan. Rotary in Formosa keeps growing   Together with the Rotary clubs of D3360, RC Changhwa Central   RC Taipei Yinlog is joined by other four Rotary Clubs in D3482, and   RIPE Stephanie visits D3502 Rotary Day event “End Polio Now   Rotarians of RC Taipei Great Pacific and volunteers dive in the
            with more Rotary districts: District 3490 created in1990 and the   D3462  provides gastrointestinal endoscopy equipment at Mae Sai Hospital   D3482  RC Suao in D3490, and its service partners Taipei City's Seda Charity   D3502  Carnival and Charity Run for Anti-Drug”.  D3522  ocean for a coral reef restoration project in Penghu and promote
            clubs in the Island redistricted to 7 districts in 1998, and into   in Thailand.                                        Love Association and Yuan Heng Dental Clinic, and they co-host a                                                  sustainable environmental protection.
            12 districts in 2017. Currently, Taiwan Rotary has 988 clubs and                                                        service event of the oral health care for the kids in Masai Elementary
            36,186 Rotarians.
            Taiwan Rotarians have been making outstanding financial
            contributions to The Rotary Foundation and create help in the
            world for people in need in the local and global communities.
            They make all efforts to "Light Up Rotary", as the annual
            presidential theme set by 2014-15 RI President Gary Huang,
            who is the first Chinese RI President from Taiwan in the history
            of Rotary. They hosted the Rotary International Convention
            in Taipei in 1994 and will host another in 2026. They hosted
            Rotary Institute in Taipei many times and will host another in
            Nov 2024.

                                                                           Through a GG project, RC Touliu North of D3470 and RC Kyoto   The participants of RYLA camp at LeeMing Institute of Technology   RI President Gordon R. McInally has fun and enjoys music with the   168 Rotarian doctors and volunteers in D3523 travel to rural areas
                                                                     D3470  Rakuto of D2650 work together to conduct on-site inspections in the   D3490  sponsored by the Interact committee of District 3490 learn a lot with   D3510  children during his visits to Linbian Elementary School in Pingtung   D3523  in Cambodia, providing free medical services and donating medical
                                                                           Hushan Reservoir community.                              special experiences.                                     County for the project Rotarians sponsor online English tutoring   equipment for the need.
                                                                                                                                                                                             program for the rural community.
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