Page 1 - English Edition 2024
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TAIWAN ROTARY                                          District 3461      Taiwan - Zone 9                       District 3481      Taiwan - Zone 9                      District 3501      Taiwan - Zone 9                       District 3521      Taiwan - Zone 9

                   English Edition 2024                                 69 Clubs 3,107 Members as of 15 April 2024               98 Clubs 3,138 Members as of 15 April 2024               88 Clubs 2,995 Members as of 15 April 2024               67 Clubs 2,494 Members as of 15 April 2024
                                                                        Total Contributions: $812,177.5 as of 12 April 2024      Total Contributions: $1,186,752.72 as of 12 April 2024   Total Contributions: $1,959,712.05 as of 12 April 2024   Total Contributions: $461,508.34 as of 12 April 2024

                                                                                              楊金振                                                      黃桂香                                                     張世澤                                                      章金元
                                                                                              Yang, Chin-Cheng                                         Huang, Kuei-Hsiang                                      Chang, Shih-Che                                          Chang, Ching-Yuan
                                                                                              (Tony)                                                   (Jennifer)                                              (Dentist)                                                (Michael)
                                                                                              District Governor 2023-24                                District Governor 2023-24                               District Governor 2023-24                                District Governor 2023-24

                                        2014-15 RI President              District 3462      Taiwan - Zone 9                       District 3482      Taiwan - Zone 9                      District 3502      Taiwan - Zone 9                       District 3522      Taiwan - Zone 9
                                      Gary C.K. Huang 黃其光
                                                                        65 Clubs 2,576 Members as of 15 April 2024               84 Clubs 2,706 Members as of 15 April 2024               78 Clubs 2,890 Members as of 15 April 2024               83 Clubs 3,268 Members as of 15 April 2024
                                                                        Total Contributions: $348,810 as of 12 April 2024        Total Contributions: $868,819 as of 12 April 2024        Total Contributions: $1,754,482.23 as of 12 April 2024   Total Contributions: $1,934,246 as of 12 April 2024

                                                                                              李正雄                                                      莊子華                                                     林淑華                                                      許旭輝
                                                                                              Lee, Cheng-Hsiung                                        Robert T.H. Chuang                                      Lin, Shu-Hua                                             Hsu, Hsu-Hut
                                                                                              (Hose)                                                   (Coach)                                                 (Joyce)                                                  (Benison)
                                                                                              District Governor 2023-24                                District Governor 2023-24                               District Governor 2023-24                                District Governor 2023-24

                                                                          District 3470      Taiwan - Zone 9                       District 3490      Taiwan - Zone 9                      District 3510      Taiwan - Zone 9                       District 3523      Taiwan - Zone 9
                   2022-24 TRPIA Chair
                                                                        79 Clubs 2,725 Members as of 15 April 2024               105 Clubs 4,701 Members as 15 April 2024                 97 Clubs 3,351 Members as of 15 April 2024               80 Clubs 2,582 Members as of 15 April 2024
                    PDG Dental 邱世文
                                                                        Total Contributions: $709,097 as of 12 April 2024        Total Contributions: $1,606,272.5 as of 12 April 2024    Total Contributions: $1,501,416.89 as of 12 April 2024   Total Contributions: $2,137,268.78 as of 12 April 2024

                                                                                              林宇星                                                      陳昱森                                                     賴寳禾                                                      楊奕蘭
                                                                                              Lin, Yu-Hsing                                            Yusen Chen                                              Lai, Pao-Ho                                              Yi-Lan, Yang
                            WELCOME TO                                                        (Riding)                                                 (Ethan)                                                 (PH Lai)                                                 (Stela)
                                                                                              District Governor 2023-24                                District Governor 2023-24                               District Governor 2023-24                                District Governor 2023-24

                                       This annual publication is produced by TRPIA
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