Page 61 - English Edition 2002
P. 61

suggestions from committees and organizing
                team of TJRGA, another new year banquet
                was held at the Shell Hall on the 3F of Golden
                Tulip Fab Hotel in Tanshui, New Taipei County
                on January 15, 2022, with different focus.
                In addition to the attendance of 200 TJRGA
                members and distinguished representatives to
                Taiwan from Japan, it was attended by many
                Japanese exchange students who could not
                return home and had to stay in Taiwan, including
                the members of Rotaract Club of Taipei Asahi     Japanese students in Taiwan participate in the 2022 New
                and Japanese exchange students who was           Year banquet and a coming-of-age ceremony. They were
                                                                 joined by PRIP Gary Huang and Chairman Computer
                studying at Chung Yuan University in Taiwan      Chiu (the third and second from right in the third row).
                at invitation by TJRGA. The goal is to comfort
                them with a new experience and unforgettable     the  7th Taiwan-Japan Rotary Goodwill
                memories through Rotary. During the banquet,     Conference in Fukuoka. It was attended in
                the students  participated in a 20-year-old      person by 100 Japanese members in Japan,
                coming-of-age ceremony and each of them          while attending online by Taiwan members
                received a plaque presented by Chairman Chiu,    through a Zoom meeting in live streaming

                with words read " 成人おめでとうございます。                  on the YouTube channel. During the online
                いつも明るく前向きの人生を歩み、これからは一                           conference Chairman PDG Computer Chiu
                人の大人として何事にも責任を持ち、立派な社会                           gave an inspiring speech and vice chairman PP
                人となってください。あなたの成長を楽しみにし                           ER Tsai reported what TJRGA had achieved
                ています ," which encouraged these students to       in promotion of goodwill between Rotary in
                be responsible for their own future and become   Taiwan and Japan. The chief representative
                responsible adults. The banquet was concluded    Frank C.T. Hsieh of Taipei Economic and
                with a Japanese song " ˓㗫˓㗤㗪㗄㗧 " to              Cultural Representative Office in Japan
                symbolize an invisible force that strengthen     honored the conference with his presentence.
                friendship of people in Japan and Taiwan.        Despite the pandemic, TJRGA has ceaselessly
                    On May 6th in 2022, the association and      and successfully been enhancing exchanges
                its counterpart in Japan jointly co-sponsored    and friendship between Taiwan and Japan.

                                              Group photo of the 2022 New Year banquet

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