Page 55 - English Edition 2002
P. 55

Screening" campaign with all the 12 Rotary          persons of low-income households who
                Districts in Taiwan. The Committee of the           screen positive and need treatment
                Hepatitis C Elimination Implementation of        5.  Using public billboards or vehicle
                the association was chaired by the past district    advertisements to promote the national
                governor of District 3510, Fuh-Jiann Lee            Hepatitis C Elimination program
                "Jerry", suggesting that each district could     6.  Assisting the Health Department ÿ
                apply for District Designated Fund (DDF) to         Center in increasing the implementation of
                conduct the program.                                health education programs for community
                    Related Funding assistance is available as      residents
                follows.                                             Due to the limited budget and manpower
                1.  Supporting the cost of screening for         of the government, Taiwanese Rotarians
                   residents other than those aged 45-54 with    would like to do its part to do the work that
                   health insurance                              the government cannot take care of, with the
                2.  Assisting the local Health Department ÿ      Ministry of Health and Welfare as the main
                   Center in raising the staff costs for the     partner and us as a complementary partner, to
                   increasing number of screenings               work together to achieve the goal of the total
                3.  Assisting the local Health Department ÿ      elimination of Hepatitis C in 2025.
                   Center to hire professional employees to do       A total of 41 host Rotary clubs of
                   the establishment of household registration   Hepatitis C Elimination Program donated
                   data                                          NT$20,928,000 and helped 124,000 people to
                4.  Supporting the medical expenses for          complete screenings.

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