Page 4 - 2025年1月號
P. 4

37    ৌྠجɛʕശҧቃ઺ԃਿږึ                               ɧeҧቃЪۜ
                                                            SPECIAL ARTICLES
                Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation       52   ҧቃڡˇϋʹ౬ (RYE) ˴ᕚᅄ˖
                welcomes Rotarians to visit its Rotary library     ೯ڌ€ɨණ
                                                                   Feature articles on Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE)
          39    3461 ήਜ 2024-25 ϋܓήਜҧቃሞእ࿬
                                                                   experiences (Part2)
                DEI εʩ̻ഃ࢙̍޼ীึߏྼÿੵ݋ሾ
                D3461 hosts a 2024-25 District Rotary Forum   78   ਖ਼ஞҧቃਿږึ AKS Foundation Circle
                and DEI Seminar                                    ึࡰᘽɓ΀ۃᐼ္j
          41    ᕐቃᔷਗ ೌࠢชਗ                                          ෂ჈ೌӷٙฌhɛɛϞபÿӁ֗ޛ
                                                                   PDG Antonio shares his secret: giving love with
                3490 ήਜʮूఊԓᐑࢥÿᄎᅆઽ                                  Service Above Self
                D3490 sponsors a round-island cycling trip
                for a public welfare project                  85   ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ
                                                                   Comics on Rotary: Importance of the Periodical
          44    3502 ήਜ৪ᘴڡ݆ฌ͛նʮू෤༷ึÿ
                ɕ਷݁                                           86   ҧቃ؛̌ॕᶑ ķķ ҧቃϋܓ˴ᕚÿරၪઽ
                School fair hosted by D3502 & a lifeline           Tips from Rotary leaders
                organization promote drug abuse prevention          Rotary Annual Themes
                among teenagers
          46    3502 ήਜ
                                                            CLUBS IN ACTION
                Spouses meet with DG Rehouse during visiting   87  шฌшٟ
                Clubs in D3502                                     To Club with love

         ΌଢᆤпږࣩԷʱԮ                                           111   ᇜ፨ܝা
         Experiences of sponsoring GG Project                      Editor’s note
          48    ̨̏ؒʠٟ ķķ ിܛႷڗ๫˂Դ੃৅࿬
                ਷ყ๫ᚥ؂ਕࠇ೥ÿᇹԺጳ                                   7   Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                RC Taipei Songren sponsors a long term care        Rotary numbers
                angels training & oral care project in Philippines  50  ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ

                                                                   Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan

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