Page 4 - 2022年6月號
P. 4

          64    ʕᕺ׼݋ٟ˕˕ ⨂ؒᖵஔ৷ʕྡࣣ᎜ҷܔ
                RC Chung Li Stars, D3501--Library renovation and
                literacy project at Niaosong High School of Arts

          67    ࣹ෤Σජٟ˕˕ ࣹ෤̹ᝈࠪਜሊ͛הڝண                           83    Гాাၾˮྼӱÿᇜ፨௅
                ֢࢕ᚐଣ࿬ʕᔼԚ৙ʿϘಂᐕԃూܔ१࣏                                 “Romance of the Western Chamber” and its
                ᗍၾ౧೐ᄃόÿࢱඩവ                                         playwriter Wang  Shi-fu in Yuan dynasty
                RC Taoyuan Siangyang, D3502--Project of home   84   ̥ࠅԱ๫ЫІʉٙ˙جÿ፠؇׼
                health care, mobile traditional Chinese medical    Just follow your own way
                care and early intervention clinic at Public Health
                Center of Guanyin District, Taoyuan           85    ૶ܑ࠰ቐ౷ݷ঩ÿᇜ፨௅
                                                                   Delicate and flavorful Puerh tea
          92    ΢ٟݺਗ፨ࠅ
                Clubs in action                               86    ̨ᝄ௰Ϙٙ๝ݰ˕˕ ˂َੳÿҽ௹ڦ
                                                                   Tengu An, the first hot spring hostel in Taiwan
         ɧeҧቃЪۜ                                               88    ϼܔጘٙԚᓿ˕˕
         SPECIAL ARTICLES                                           ္࿀৫˕˕ ᔚၽ̏ψᝂÿᇜ፨௅

          68    ೥Ⴍҧቃÿϡኁڡ                                           Historic buildings in Taiwan--
                Comics on Rotary--Respect Human Rights             present Control Yuan and former Taipei
                                                                   Prefecture Hall in Japanese colonial period
          69    ɓੵඉୃ݂ٙԫ˕˕
                ൴൳ІʉΣۃ޶ÿɕ˂ࠥ                                   90    ϼ๫˪݂ٙԫ˕˕ ҧቃٙܔி٫ÿ˴ᇜ
                Story from a post stamp--Look Beyond Yourself      Stories with faded photos--Chesley Renolds Perry
          71    ˰ޢٙণගᏎ͛ÿ؍ɷཕ                                   91    ᛧᕡփᗈ˕˕
                Yayoi Kusama  a great Japanese artist sharing       ˰ޢೌҖ˖ʷ፲ପ˕˕ ձ࠮ÿᇜ፨௅
                her intrusive thoughts with the world              Gourmet talks--Washoku, a world-known
                                                                   intangible cultural heritage
          78    Ңٙҧቃܠ॰˕˕
                ΎԈədٟڗΎԈlÿ؍ɷཕ                                102    ͏਷ 110 ϋ 7 ˜໮ ă111 ϋ 6 ˜໮ͦ፽॰ˏ
                Sharing thoughts on Rotary--                       Index of Taiwan Rotary
                Good bye! My dear club presidents                  July 2021-June 2022
          80    ᝝ͩܩɮჃÿᘽɓ΀                                    111    ᇜ፨ܝা
                Making yourself a forever shining diamond          Editor’s note
          81    ̨ᝄ˰ޢ፲ପࡉ፯ήӻΐʘɤɖ˕˕

                ૱˥ߎˣ۬ʿՉմᗙዝ̦ܔጘ໊ÿᇜ፨௅                             7    Ό˰ޢҧቃٟeٟࡰɛᅰʿҧቃྫМʘତر
                Candidate sites in Taiwan for world heritage (17)--  Rotary numbers
                Fort San Domingo and surrounding historical
                buildings in Tamsui                           39    ̨ᝄ 12 ήਜҧቃٟᅰʿٟࡰɛᅰ
                                                                   Rotary club & member figures by district in Taiwan
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9