2024/11/26  閱覽數 523  分享至

國際扶輪全球通訊傳播小組區域內容及雜誌引導人Gundula Miethke與區域扶輪雜誌協調人Jennifer Gilbert於2024年11月26日函請台灣扶輪月刊向讀者分享以下訊息:

國際扶輪知悉,許多扶輪社及地區的Facebook頁面及Instagram帳戶已遭Meta在未預先通知情況下予以關閉。此一問題最近日益惡化,扶輪正在與Meta (Facebook及Instagram背後的公司)密切合作,尋找解決方案。

We are aware that numerous Rotary club and district Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts have been closed by Meta without prior notice. This issue has escalated recently, and we are working closely with Meta (the company behind Facebook and Instagram) to find a solution.


While we have not yet identified the root cause or a guaranteed method for restoration, Meta did reinstate several Rotary-related pages last week at our request. With your help, we can identify additional pages that need reinstatement.

扶輪請本刊向讀者分享以下連結 (on.rotary.org/fbissue),專供本區域內的扶輪社及地區的社交媒體管理員使用。填寫此一表格可使扶輪能將這些頁面加入Meta的品牌權利保護工具中的「允許清單」中。以上是扶輪解決該問題所做努力。

Please share this link (on.rotary.org/fbissue) with your readers. It is specifically for social media admins of Rotary clubs and districts in your region. Completing this form will allow us to add these pages to Meta’s “allow list” within their Brand Rights Protection tool as part of our efforts to resolve the issue.


For pages already removed by Meta, the social media admins should please indicate this on the form. The admins will then receive an email with specific instructions (from Meta’s guidance) and an official letter from Rotary International to support their restoration efforts. We will submit a consolidated list of pages requiring reinstatement in bulk to Meta for processing and review.


We are focused on finding a lasting solution to restore these pages and prevent future disruptions. Your support in sharing this message will help us gather the necessary information and expedite the process.


