PP Brain於RI演講 分享AKS捐獻心得
2024/10/18  閱覽數 287  分享至
這是3461地區豐原北區扶輪社顏精華PP Brain10月12日在扶輪總部的演講致詞稿。

你們有些人可能知道,我一直透過捐款持續支持扶輪基金會,我很自豪的告訴大家,我們已經達到AKS 3 (基金會圈)級狀態,這項成就不僅是個人的里程碑,它代表了對扶輪所體現的服務,熱情,和社區價值的承諾。
我衷心感謝扶輪同仁的支持,他們的奉獻激勵我繼續走這條慈善的道路,讓我們記住,我們的貢獻無論大小,共同為有需要的人帶來 教育,健康,和福祉的重大進步。


Ladies and gentlemen:

It’s both an honor and privilege to stand before you,today at this recognition ceremony

I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the international Rotary foundation for their invaluable work and for the opportunity to contribute to such a meaningful cause.

As some of you may know,I have been continuously supporting the Rotary Foundation through donations and I am proud to share that I have reached the AKS level 3 Foundation circle)status. This achievement is not just a personal milestone,it represents a commitment to the values of service,compassion and community that the Rotary embodies.

The journey of giving is not solely about the financial contributions we make, but rather about the impact we can create together.

Each donation has the potential to change lives and improve communities across the globe .

It’s a testament to the powerful network of Rotarians who,together,strive to make the world a better place.

I am sincerely grateful for support from my fellow Rotarians,whose dedication inspires me to continue on this path of philanthropy,let us remember that our contribution,no matter how big or small collectively lead to significant advancement in education ,health and wellbeing for those in need.

As we celebrate today,let us also honor the spirit of generosity and service that defines the essence of Rotary.I am excited about the future possibilities we can achieve together and I encourage each of you to reflect on how you can contribute to this remarkable mission.

Thank you once again for this honor and for being part of this incredible journey with me,let’s continue to work together ,uplift one another and make a lasting difference in the world.

Thank you

Dr .Ching Hua,Yen.(Brain)

Shu Fen,Lai.Chole

