Enhance the service experience by showing how participation makes an impact on global communities
Providing value through service
研究證實,影響社員滿意度的最重要因素是扶輪社的體驗club experience。 當社員與自己扶輪網絡中的其他人建立連結時,他們更有可能保持參與並鼓勵非社員加入。
Research has confirmed that the single most important factor in member satisfaction is the club experience. When members form connections with others in their Rotary network, they are more likely to stay engaged and encourage nonmembers to join.
Does your club create opportunities for members to serve, locally and globally, that have a personal meaning?
Take the Measuring and Reporting Our Impact course to learn how leaders can enhance the service experience by compiling and reporting data to show how member participation makes an impact on communities around the world.
What's in the Learning Center
New courses
Vibrant Clubs in Action
這門新課程取代了「成為有活力的扶輪社」(Be a Vibrant Club)出版物。請報名參加「有活力的扶輪社採取行動」課程Vibrant Clubs in Action,了解世界各地的扶輪社如何採取有意識的行動來吸引社員——創造獨特的體驗,辦理有意義的服務專案,並嘗試新的想法,使他們在社區中更加充滿活力、活躍並引人注目。
This new course replaces the Be a Vibrant Club publication. Enroll in the Vibrant Clubs in Action course to learn how clubs around the world are taking intentional action to engage members — creating distinctive experiences, conducting meaningful projects, and trying new ideas that make them more vibrant, active, and visible in their communities.
District Training Assembly: A Seminar for Incoming Club Leaders
搶先規劃您的地區訓練講習會。報名參加題為「地區訓練講習會:下屆扶輪社領導人研討會」District Training Assembly: A Seminar for Incoming Club Leaders的課程,並下載一份供這些研討會的籌備人員及引導人參考的指南。
Get a head start on planning your district training assembly. Enroll in the course titled District Training Assembly: A Seminar for Incoming Club Leaders to download a guide for organizers and facilitators of these seminars.
此一研討會的目的是讓下屆扶輪社領導人為其角色做好準備並建立社的領導團隊。 研討會還為地區領導團隊提供了激勵扶輪社領導人並與其建立關係的機會。
The purpose of the seminars is to prepare incoming club leaders for their roles and to build club leadership teams. The seminars also give district leadership teams the opportunity to motivate and build their relationships with club leaders.
請注意,我們正在更新用語,以反映扶輪從訓練模式改成強調參與者的學習模式的轉變。 有些活動 (例如地區訓練講習會)需要經立法會議決議來更改名稱。我們將在未來幾年繼續更新用語及政策。
Please note that we are updating language that reflects Rotary’s
shift from a training model to a learning model that emphasizes participants.
Some events such as the district training assembly require a Council on
Legislation decision to change the name. We will continue making updates to
language and policies over the next few years.
Learning Plans
Several club learning plans, the Grant Management Seminar learning plan, and the governor learning plan have been updated.
「獎助金管理研討會學習計劃」Grant Management Seminar learning plan有重大改變。先前完成該課程的人,需要參加「2023-24年度獎助金管理重新認證」Grant Management Recertification 2023-24課程以保持了解最新資訊。
There are significant changes to the Grant Management Seminar learning plan. For those who previously completed it, all they need to do is take the Grant Management Recertification 2023-24 course to stay current.
對於那些收到報告的人,您可以藉由檢查狀態欄來驗證參與者的進度。對於某些參與者來說,如果他們需要參加額外的課程,狀態可能會發生改變。課程目錄的更新PDF版本很快將在My Rotary上提供。
For those receiving reports, you can verify participant progress by checking the status column. For some participants, the status may change if they need to take additional courses. The updated PDF version of the course catalog will be available on My Rotary soon.
What's happening in Rotary
What's in the Learning Center
Nominate fellow members for advancing women in Rotary
「希薇雅‧惠特洛克領導獎」(Sylvia Whitlock Leadership Award)每年都會表彰一名扶輪社員——無論性別及扶輪資歷如何——在扶輪積極致力推展婦女。該獎項由一群扶輪社員於2017年設立,以第一位女性扶輪社社長且持續透過扶輪領導世界各地女性的改變的希薇雅‧惠特洛克 (Sylvia Whitlock) 命名。
The Sylvia Whitlock Leadership Award honors one Rotary member each year — regardless of gender and Rotary tenure — for actively working to advance women in Rotary. The award, established by a group of Rotarians in 2017, is named after Sylvia Whitlock, the first female Rotary club president, who went on to lead change for women around the world through Rotary.
每年8月1日至9月30日期間,任何社員均可提名另一位資格完備的社友nominate another member競逐此一獎項。去年,來自台灣第 3481地區的呂錦美前總監PDG May因為嘉惠許多國家的婦女及女孩的工作而獲得表揚。
Any member can nominate another member in good standing for this award between 1 August and 30 September each year. Last year, May Chin Mei Lu from District 3481 in Taiwan was recognized for her work that benefited women and girls in many countries.
Lead facilitated discussions about this award to promote inclusion
and to recognize the work being done to advance women in Rotary in your area.
Learning with others
您曾在社交媒體上與扶輪學習中心連結過嗎? 請選擇以下Facebook、Instagram及LinkedIn 標誌,及時獲取有關學習中心的最新資訊、提示和其他資訊。
Have you connected with the Rotary Learning Center on social media?
Select the Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn icons below to get timely updates,
tips, and other information about the Learning Center.
台灣扶輪月刊 譯 2023/7/20
Rotary Learning in Action - July 2023