2023/02/21  閱覽數 517  分享至

Turkey and Syria were struck by a devastating earthquake on 6 February that has killed tens of thousands of people, destroyed thousands of homes and other structures, and left people across the region without shelter in bitterly cold winter weather. 土耳其與敘利亞於2月6日遭受毀滅性地震襲擊,已經奪走數以萬計人命,毀壞了數以千計的家庭以及其他建築,讓這整個地區的人民在嚴寒的天氣得不到遮蔽。

The Rotary world responded to this catastrophe immediately. RI President Jennifer Jones activated our disaster response efforts, communicated with the affected districts, and encouraged governors in those regions to apply for disaster response grants and share information about their relief efforts so that Rotary can amplify the calls for support. 

扶輪界立即對這場災難做出回應。RI 社長 Jennifer Jones 啟動了我們的災難救助工作,與受災地區進行了溝通,並鼓勵這些受災區域的總監們申請災害救援獎助金,並分享有關他們救災工作的訊息,以便扶輪能夠擴大尋求支援的呼聲。

The Rotary Foundation Trustees decided that all donations made, from now until 31 March, to the Turkey/Syria Disaster Response Fund will be used to aid earthquake relief projects. In addition, the Trustees made available more than $125,000 to Rotary districts affected by the earthquake through Disaster Response Grants. 

扶輪基金保管委員會決定,從現在開始直到 3 月 31 日止,所有對於土耳其/敘利亞災害救援基金(Turkey/Syria Disaster Response Fund)的捐贈將被用於援助地震救助專案。此外,保管委員會也透過災害救援獎助金(Disaster Response Grant)提供了超過 US$125,000 給受到此地震影響的扶輪地區。Rotary's project partner ShelterBox also has an emergency response team assessing the needs in the region and how it can respond. That team is communicating with Rotary district leaders. Rotary's service partner Habitat for Humanity International is also working on its response. Many Rotary members are asking how they can help. Here's how to have the greatest impact: 

扶輪社的專案夥伴避難箱(ShelterBox) 有一個應急小組在評估該區域的需求以及它能如何回應。該小組正在與扶輪的地區領導人們溝通。扶輪的服務夥伴國際仁人家園(Habitat for Humanity International)也正致力於它的回應。有許多扶輪社友們在問他們能夠如何幫助。這裡有幾個能夠如何產生最大影響的方法:

  • Give to Turkey/Syria Disaster Response Fund. Donations help clubs and districts provide aid and support rebuilding efforts where the need is greatest. The funds are distributed to affected communities through disaster response grants. The Disaster Response Fund can accept cash contributions and District Designated Funds (DDF).

捐款給土耳其/敘利亞災害救援基金。捐款協助各社與地區在最需要的地方提供救援並且支援重建工作。這些資金會透過災害救援獎助金分發到受災社區。災害救援基金可接受現金捐獻與 DDF。

  • Support local initiatives. As we learn about local response efforts that are being led by clubsand districts, Rotary raises awareness about how to support them. People can then supportthese projects by working directly with Rotary members in the region. If you want us topublicize information about local response efforts, write to relief@rotary.org.


My Rotary → Rotary Foundation → Give → Way to Give → Donate

註:1. 感謝PDG Docter林伯龍前總監提供本文。
       2. Disaster Response Fund台灣扶輪月刊譯為「災害救援基金」。
       3. Disaster Response Grant台灣扶輪月刊譯為「災害救援獎助金」。
       4. 國際扶輪透過推特於2月13日發布從當日至3月31日止,所有捐給「災害救援基金」
