扶輪資助的必要旅行將於 7 月 1 日恢復進行
2021/06/07  閱覽數 1302  分享至

在世界某些地方,新冠肺炎COVID-19 感染正在減少,疫苗接種率正在上升,地方衛生當局正在放寬旅行和集會限制。基於這些事態發展,國際扶輪理事會在 COVID-19 特別工作小組的建議下,將自 2021 7 1 日起,允許由扶輪資助且對扶輪的業務運營屬於必要的公務旅行得恢復進行。 2021 12 31 日之前,扶輪將只資助對扶輪業務運營屬於必要的旅行。以下為必要的旅行,如果:

a) 對扶輪業務達成任務至關重要;

b) 不能在沒有面對面互動或沒有訪問特定地點的情況下進行;

c) 旅行的目的和預期結果取決於獲得資助的旅行者在面對面會議/地點的出席情況。理事會持續建議扶輪以虛擬或混合形式開展進行業務。但是,只要已考量健康問題並且每個人都完全遵守當地的健康及安全規則,就可以舉行扶輪會議、服務專案和訓練活動。


2021 年 5 月 26 日

本文由台灣扶輪月刊譯自國際扶輪網站Essential Rotary-funded travel to resume on 1 July

Essential Rotary-funded travel to resume on 1 July

In some parts of the world, COVID-19 infections are decreasing, vaccination rates are on the rise, and local health authorities are relaxing travel and meeting restrictions. Based on these developments, the Rotary International Board of Directors, with input from the COVID-19 Task Force, will allow Rotary-funded business travel to resume, as long as it is essential to Rotary's business operations, effective 1 July 2021.

Until 31 December 2021, Rotary will only fund travel that is essential to Rotary's business operations. Travel is essential if:

a) it is mission-critical for Rotary business;

b) it cannot be conducted without in-person interaction or without visit(s) to a specific location(s);

c) the purpose and intended outcomes of the travel are dependent upon the presence of the funded traveler(s) at the in-person meeting/location.

The Board continues to recommend that Rotary conduct its business virtually or in a hybrid form. However, Rotary meetings, service projects, and training events can occur as long as health concerns have been considered and everyone fully complies with local health and safety rules.

If you have questions about whether your trip qualifies as essential travel, contact your staff liaison.


